Combination Hair Care, How to Care for Combination Hair, Combination Hair Care Tips & Steps for Combination Hair Care




How to Do Combination Hair care

Hairs are made up of protein and are quite strong. There are various factors including environment, weather, lack of proper diet and pollution, which take toll on hairs.

To keep your tresses beautiful and strong life long, along with your genes, you need to take proper care of your hair. For taking care of hairs, you need to have proper hair care products. Hair care products are classified according to type of hairs. Hairs can be curly or straight. Hairs can be dry, oily, normal and combination hairs. Amount of sebum produced in hairs is the main factor which decides for oily or dry hairs.

What are Combination hairs?

Combination hairs are little tricky to handle. These kinds of hairs are oily at the scalp and dry at ends. Combinations hairs are present in people with long oily hairs; it is oily at scalp and ends are damaged. People with dandruff can also have combination hairs as the dry flakes soak the oil at the scalp, preventing it to travel down the hair shaft. To tackle this problem, it is advisable to apply mild shampoo and conditioner at the ends and avoid this treatment at the scalp.


To have combination hairs, is a condition where roots are greasy and ends are dry or sometimes disunion at ends. Over-exposure to sunlight, excessive use of heat styling treatments can alter the working of sebaceous glands. These factors stimulate sebum secretion at the hair roots. There occurs little change in scales and its protective role gets disturbed. With proper hair care, you can reduce the oiliness, treat dryness and make your hair again healthy and shiny.

While washing your hairs, do not use excessive shampoo to wash your hairs. Apply shampoo on the scalp only but not at the ends. While rinsing with water, let the suds travel down to the ends. Do not apply shampoo on the tips of hairs as it will strip away any oil present on the tip which it requires too much.

Steps for Combination Hair Care: Juegos gratis

For proper hair care for combination hairs, you will need few things like PH balance shampoo, light conditioner and jojoba oil.

Use lukewarm water to wash your hairs; it will not remove natural oil from the hairs. Hot water does.

Use gentle, PH balanced shampoo for combination hairs to take out excess oil from the scalp.

While using conditioner, start it from midway hair length; avoid applying on scalp as it will make hair roots oilier.

To wash away the shampoo, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Apply smooth jojoba oil at the ends of the hairs to get them moisturized.

Some Useful tips for Combination hair care:

First eat right and balanced food containing mineral supplements.

Drink lots of water; eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. It will help reduce sebum production at the scalp. Drinking more water helps to reduce dryness in hairs.

Reduce your intake of alcohol and smoking.

Do not use shampoos containing sodium laurel sulfate.

Take out all the accessories in hairs.

Use a wide toothed comb to set them right.

Avoid using excessive heat treatments on the hairs as it dries out the hairs.

Make a mixture of an egg white, 1 spoon glycerin, and 2 sp of castor oil and apply this on your scalp and hairs. It is a wonderful mask for combination hairs.

If you expose your combination hairs to sunrays, they will get drier. Whenever you go out, apply a conditioner with sunscreen on your hairs to prevent them from drying.

Avoid over washing of hairs as it will make scalp oilier and hairs drier.

Avoid scratching or touching of your hairs. It will make your scalp more greasy and dirty too.

Chemical treatments like coloring or perming can cause oilier scalp and drier hairs. Just stay way from these treatments for a while and follow proper steps for combination hair care.

Combination Hair Care, How to Care for Combination Hair, Combination Hair Care Tips & Steps for Combination Hair Care

Combination Hair Care, How to Care for Combination Hair, Combination Hair Care Tips & Steps for Combination Hair Care

Hairs are made up of protein and are quite strong. There are various factors including environment, weather, lack of proper diet and pollution, which take toll





Combination Hair Care, How to Care for Combination Hair, Combination Hair Care Tips & Steps for Combination Hair Care
Combination Hair Care, How to Care for Combination Hair, Combination Hair Care Tips & Steps for Combination Hair Care

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