Hair Loss Exercises, Exercises that Stop Hair Loss & Types of Exercises




Hair Loss Exercises

 The most important reason for general hair loss is lack of intake of proper diet. If you are suffering from hair loss, first step towards taking care of it is taking proper diet and performing exercise. Along with proper diet, scalp exercises are very helpful in preventing hair loss.

Type of Exercises to prevent hair loss:

The easiest exercise any one can do is walking and stretching. Then performing yoga is very beneficial for body as well as mind. Mental stress and hair loss are very much correlated. Yoga and mediation can help relax mind and body, particularly “shavaasan” is very effective for increasing the flexibility of the scalp. This is very important to follow a particular routine for exercising.


By doing scalp exercises, whole scalp gets high circulation of the blood. You can give a gentle massage with fingers using good herbal oil. It helps feed the roots with nutrients and increases the blood circulation.

Scalp Exercise 1 :

First stand with your legs apart and breathe in and out slowly. Then gradually lean forward till your head is just below waist level. Now in this position, pat your head gently for 30 seconds with your knuckles. Then bring your body back to original position and again pat your head slowly. Do this for 5-7 times.

Scalp Exercise 2:

Stand normally in straight position and breathe slowly. Look straight and then turn your head 5 times in one direction and 5 times in other direction. Now come to the original position. Now bend your head downward and then lift. Repeat this action also for 5 times. Finally, move your head in circular motion for five times; clockwise and anticlockwise.

Scalp Exercise 3:

Clutch your hands and put them on the back of your head. Put your hands a bit tightly so that they do not slip. Now move your head up and down which let the hands move to the forehead. Do this exercise 5 minutes twice in the day.

Hair Loss Exercises, Exercises that Stop Hair Loss & Types of Exercises

Hair Loss Exercises, Exercises that Stop Hair Loss & Types of Exercises

 The most important reason for general hair loss is lack of intake of proper diet. If you are suffering from hair loss, first step towards taking care of it i





Hair Loss Exercises, Exercises that Stop Hair Loss & Types of Exercises
Hair Loss Exercises, Exercises that Stop Hair Loss & Types of Exercises

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