Arkoreal, first royal jelly to receive the certificate of Responsible abyss





Royal jelly is usually used to reduce fatigue and increase vitality thanks to its content in vitamins, proteins and minerals

The Arkoreal jelly is the first royal jelly to receive the certificate of Responsible abyss, granted by the independent agency Ecocert. It is the first organ in the world in ecological certifications, which gives after overcoming a rigorous analysis of manufacturing procedures, even more demanding than that of organic foods for their denomination. To receive this certificate, it should be an agricultural or agro-industrial product that avoids the use of synthesis products, such as pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilizers throughout the chain from origin to consumption. In the case of royal jelly, bees should be fed only with natural nutrients (polen, nectar, honey), and the absence of pesticides and antibiotics must be controlled, with a constant analysis of air pollution, water and soils up to the 20 square kilometers surrounding the beehives.


In addition, the certificate of responsible aquaculture guarantees total traceability from the apicultor to the finished product, a unique measure in the sector. It also includes the commitment to promote the economic development of producer regions, dignified working conditions for breeders, and support for education on social and environmental issues at the local level.

Arkoreal also has the endorsement of the Spanish Society of Diabetes (SED) thanks to the availability of sugar-free products suitable for people who control their glucid contribution. Preparations for children lack added sugars.

Royal jelly is the most used food supplement of natural origin, according to a poll made to 1,500 Spanish consumers of this type of products. Royal jelly is a substance segregated by bees that serves as food to the larvae during their first three days of life and the bee reigns throughout their lives. Contains all the vitamins of group B, including folic acid, as well as Gammaglobulins, Glyproteins and Albumins (APALBÚMINA) and much of the essential amino acids such as Arginine, Valine, Lisina Metionina Prolina and Serina. It is usually used to reduce fatigue and increase vitality thanks to its content in vitamins, proteins and minerals. In addition, its combination with medicinal plants such as echinacea is meant to decrease the symptoms of common cold. Thus, a study carried out with echinacea confirms the decrease by 23% of the symptoms associated with common cold[i][i]. Korean Beauty


  1. [i][i] Goel V, Lovlin R, Chang C, Slama JV, Barton R, Gahler R, et al.. A proprietary extract from the echinacea plant (Echinacea purpurea) enhances systemic immune response during a common cold. Phytother Res 2005;19(8):689-94.

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Arkoreal, first royal jelly to receive the certificate of Responsible abyss

Arkoreal, first royal jelly to receive the certificate of Responsible abyss

Royal jelly is usually used to reduce fatigue and increase vitality thanks to its content in vitamins, proteins and minerals /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/





Arkoreal, first royal jelly to receive the certificate of Responsible abyss
Arkoreal, first royal jelly to receive the certificate of Responsible abyss

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