Treatment For Arteriosclerosis




Arteriosclerosis is a physical condition of the body that is typified by thickening and hardening of the artery walls. In this ailment, the elasticity is lost and the physical condition can lead to high blood pressure as well as heart ailment.

This ailment is even common among the children due to the changes of the lifestyle but the older people are the ones who are usually affected by arteriosclerosis as their bodies tend to warn out. Again some individuals have inherent tendency towards the disease but the disease has been found to be more severe for the sufferers with sluggish thyroid, diabetes and the ones having high cholesterol.


The disease leads to the arteries getting affected that supply blood to the brain, the heart as well as the extremities. Even aorta, the main artery supplying the body with the necessary nutrition and blood is also frequently involved.

Diet plays a vital role in Arteriosclerosis treatment. Excessive intake of carbohydrates, saturated fats and cholesterol play a pivotal role for the growth and progress of the disease. Love Rooms

Certain foods are the culprits of raising the cholesterol level of the blood; some are responsible for the depositing of fats inside the inner walls of the arteries as well as the speeding up of the clotting of the blood. Thus the development of blood clots might as well be associated to both arteriosclerosis and blood changes sourced by diets full of cholesterol.

Cakes, sweets, pies, soft drinks and eggs should categorically be avoided and more concentration should be given to foods like vegetables, lean meat, milk and fish. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of antioxidants. Hence this should be consumed at a high rate.

Carrot, broccoli, citrus fruits, garlic, spinach, peppers and onions are beneficial for treating arteriosclerosis. Intake of apples, beans and oats help to increase the consumption of soluble fiber thereby lowering the intake of cholesterol. Fish that are rich in Omega 3 essential fatty acids and oil should be consumed more in order to increase the elasticity of the arteries.

Exercise should be conducted and imbibed as a part of daily routine and smoking should totally be avoided.

Treatment For Arteriosclerosis

Treatment For Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is a physical condition of the body that is typified by thickening and hardening of the artery walls. In this ailment, the elasticity is lost





Treatment For Arteriosclerosis
Treatment For Arteriosclerosis

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