What Foods can Help Improve the Memory




For years there have been products like tonics and pills that have claimed to improve your memory. The faint at heart have forcefully made their children have spoon full of these daily. While there is no proof that these tonics work; recent research has proved that there are certain foods that help to improve your memory. They are a healthier potion to popping pills and at the same time you are assured that there will be no side effects.

Some of the foods that help to boost your memory are those that are high in omega 3 fats. Fish like salmon and tuna must be included in your diet atleast 3 times a week. Be careful with the preparation though. Always grill or boil fish rather than having them fried. Avoid making the preparation too spicy as well. A simple preparation with salt and onions will keep your intake of fats in place as well as help to boost your memory. Walnuts, kiwis, flaxseeds, avocados all fall in this category.


Foods with anti oxidants are a helpful in improving your memory as well. Some beneficial fruit here would be all kinds of berries especially blueberries, cherries, papaya and melons. Other foods are rich colored fruits and vegetables.

Avoid fats in all kinds as they slow you down physically as well as mentally. Avoid deep fried foods especially potato fries and chips. Always look at baked or grilled options for your favorite foods.

Almonds are known the world over to boost ones memory. You do not need to munch these daily, just adding them to different food preparation will give you your daily dose of it and avoid monotony in your diet. Grate a few pieces and add them to your milk, throw a few into your breakfast cereal, add them to your pastries or ice cream. Your options are limitless.

What Foods can Help Improve the Memory

What Foods can Help Improve the Memory

For years there have been products like tonics and pills that have claimed to improve your memory. The faint at heart have forcefully made their children have






What Foods can Help Improve the Memory
What Foods can Help Improve the Memory

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