Skin Rash Treatment




The change of appearance, color and texture of the skin is called a skin rash. The outbreak of the bumps of the body that changes the way the skin looks and feels is called the skin rash. Rashes can be caused due to a number of reasons.Sometimes dyes and chemicals in clothing, latex and elastic, rubber, soaps, cosmetics and detergent are the causes of the rashes. These are called contact rashes. Again at times rashes are associated with fatigue, oily skin, age, stress, extreme weather and infrequent shampooing. These rashes are called as dandruff. While common rashes include eczema, impetigo, shingles, psoriasis and caused by a horde of childhood ailments like measles, chicken pox and scarlet fever. Healing such rashes is possible with diverse treatments. However, herbal treatment for skin rashes is the safest and most effective.


Witch Hazel: The astringent properties of witch hazel help in cleansing itchy skin along with more serious skin rashes like eczema and psoriasis. Again, some best use of witch hazel bark provides best results. The anti-oxidant properties of witch hazel are useful for treating sunburn. One has to simmer one ounce of fresh witch hazel bark in a pint of water and leave for ten minutes. Then the mixture has to be strained and cooled. Then the witch hazel has to be applied with a clean cloth on the rashes and left for 30 minutes. This is one of the useful ways of treating rashes. Pescados, mariscos, conservas y todo sobre el mar

Aloe Vera: This plant is extremely helpful for a typical solution. The anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant make it a useful ingredient for treating skin rashes. The gel-like substance found in the aloe leaf is extremely useful for calming and healing skin rashes. The best ways to get the benefits of Aloe Vera is by using fresh gel from the plants by piecing off a portion of the leaf and by directly pouring the gel to the rash affected areas.


Calendula essential oil: This oil is extremely useful in assisting with dry and damaged skin, rashes, diaper irritations and inflammations related to it.

Calendula aids the body by motivating the making of white blood cells that help in demolishing the harmful microbes that are the causes of the skin rashes. One has to mix two tea-spoon of calendula herb in a cup of boiling water and simmer it for ten minutes. After the mixture cools, it has to be applied with a clean cloth to the affected areas.

St. John’s wort, chamomile essential oil, jewelweed, wild pansy are some of the other essential herbal treatments for skin rashes.

Skin Rash Treatment

Skin Rash Treatment

The change of appearance, color and texture of the skin is called a skin rash. The outbreak of the bumps of the body that changes the way the skin looks and fe





Skin Rash Treatment
Skin Rash Treatment

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