Treatment for Muscle Inflammation




Our body is made up of muscles and joints. From our necks to our feet, we have joints and muscles that cause us aches and pain and most often than not, we tend to not pay heed to the pain and it leads to severe ailments later on. One of the most common causes of joints and muscle pain and inflammation is weakness. In this case there are a few natural and home remedies that you can use to get rid of the pain and inflammation.

Clove oil is known to be effective as a remedy in muscle and joint pain. Simply apply the oil on the affected area and massage it gently. You will begin to feel relief in a few minutes.


Garlic has anti – inflammatory properties and hence it is an effective cure in joint and muscle ailments. Add garlic to your soup and salad preparation or simply mix the paste of garlic with a spoon of honey and consume on the days that you experience acute pain in your joints and muscles. Elchat Directorio de chats en español

Pepper when fried with sesame oil should be ground to a paste and applied to the area to get instant relief.

Consumption of ginger in food preparations are known to help in treating aliments that are related to the bones and joints.

Draw a bath and heat the water to 35 degrees. Add about half a kilo of Epsom’s salt to the water. Soak in the water for about 15 to 20 minutes to get relief from the pain. The warm water along with the salt will help to increase the blood circulation and thereby increase the heat in the body to give your muscles instant relief.

A strict diet that involves avoiding red meats and alcohol, and increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables will help to reduce the issues with muscles and joint pain. Also, dairy products are rich in calcium and help to strengthen bones thereby making your body stronger.

Treatment for Muscle Inflammation

Treatment for Muscle Inflammation

Our body is made up of muscles and joints. From our necks to our feet, we have joints and muscles that cause us aches and pain and most often than not, we tend





Treatment for Muscle Inflammation
Treatment for Muscle Inflammation

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