Computer Eye Strain




We spend close to 70% of our working day at a desk in front of our computers. Though the computers have made working more efficient and have reduced workload for most of us it also has its own set of negatives. Those working with computers will complain of soreness in the eyes, blood shot eyes or even strain in the eyes.

Getting rid of this pain or even preventing it is easy and simple. Resting your eyes for 10 to 15 minutes in the day and pampering it at that time will help you to prevent excess strain on your eyes.

You need to start taking care of your eyes the moment you wake up in the morning. Splash cold water on your eyes; the water will clean the eyes and help it to adjust to the difference in lighting conditions from night to morning. After you wash your face you need to spend 2 minutes massaging the area around the eyes.


Use your finger tips to apply pressure on the area under your eyes and move in circular movements to increase the blood circulation in the area. You may use coconut oil or almond oil when you are massaging the area; the oil will nourish the skin and improve the blood circulation in the area.

There are several exercises that help to reduce the strain on your eyes. These exercises are effective and do not take too much time. Place your finger on the bridge of your nose and focus your eyes on it. Now slowly move the finger away while attempting to focus on the area. Move your finger till your arms are completely outstretched. Drag your finger back to the original position. Repeat this action 7 to 10 times. This exercise helps to ease the strain in your eyes. Blog sobre Supervivencia

In order to prevent strain in the eyes you must blink your eyes as often. When you blink the eyes get lubricated and get a break. Blinking is an action that helps you to get rid of dust and dirt from the eyes.

Every hour look away from the computer for a few minutes. Changing your focus will help to reduce strain caused by the glare of the computer screen. Keep a picture of a garden or a green pasture at your desk and focus on it when you are not looking at your computer; this will improve your vision drastically.

When you are using a computer ensure that the area around you is well lit. If you work from home then this is especially important as you may not have a dedicated office space. Clear the space that you wish to work in and ensure that it is well lit.

Computer Eye Strain

Computer Eye Strain

We spend close to 70% of our working day at a desk in front of our computers. Though the computers have made working more efficient and have reduced workload f





Computer Eye Strain
Computer Eye Strain

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