Prostate Cancer Prevention




Men rarely take care of their health or their diets. Over the age of 55 they are at risk of developing prostate cancer and this is the second leading cause of death in men. If they develop cancer then they have a 50% chance of survival if they undergo surgery. In most cases it is very easy to prevent the cancer from forming with a few dietary changes and exercise. Bald men have a greater chance of cancer as they have excess production of testosterone. Thus one can relate hormonal imbalances to the formation of cancer.

Eating fast foods, red meats and excessive fatty foods can be a cause of concern and men rarely care about it. However, it is these factors that pave the way to forming cancer. Simply eating a healthy diet and avoiding fatty foods and fast foods is a way to take care of your health. Men must avoid red meats and swap it with a healthy serving of fruits and vegetables. You must also eat foods that are high in anti oxidants. If you are unable to get a healthy dose of that then you must drink 2 cups of green tea everyday. This will helps you to balance out your requirement in order to keep you healthy. Vitamin E is also a healthy supplement to keep men free from the risk of cancer. Planes con niños en Valencia


If you have high testosterone levels then you must increase your estrogen levels to create a balance. In this way you will be able to create a balance in your body. Soy milk and soy products may be the key to a healthy life and hence you must start consuming these foods as often as you can. You must also make sure that you do not skip on a serving of fish regularly. A healthy serving of fish helps to increase your intake of vitamin E and healthy oils. For any reason if you are not able to eat fish then you can use supplements.

You also need to increase the amount of Lycopene that you consume. This is freely available in tomatoes, papayas, apricots, guavas and watermelons.

See, a few changes will help to keep you healthy and avoid expensive surgeries.

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Prostate Cancer Prevention

Men rarely take care of their health or their diets. Over the age of 55 they are at risk of developing prostate cancer and this is the second leading cause of





Prostate Cancer Prevention
Prostate Cancer Prevention

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