Is it Safe to Travel During Pregnancy




I remember taking 2 road trips while I was pregnant the first time. I was not aware of the dangers of doing so, but I was extremely careful nonetheless. My husband was the designated driver on both occasions and our trips were alcohol and smoke free; so I guess I was quiet safe.

If you do not have any complications and your gynecologist states that you are fit to travel there should be no harm in doing so. However, you must always consult with your doctor before making any plans. Ideally, they say that women should not travel by air during the fist and third trimester as the cabin pressure can have an adverse effect on your health. If your travel plans are flexible then you can stretch them till after the first 12 weeks just to be on the safe side.


What precautions should you take before or while you travel?

-When you are traveling always have the number of your doctor and the hospital that you are registered at with you at all times. El Blog de la ginebra y el whisky on the rocks

-If you are in the initial weeks and your baby bump does not show, inform the airline staff about you condition. They will seat you in a comfortable place as well as have extra care taken of you during your flight.

-Drink plenty of fluids when you are traveling; especially by air as the cabin pressure will cause dehydration.

-If you are on a long trip by road then stop every hour or so and stretch your legs for a few minutes. This will bring back circulation in your feet and legs and avoid cramps. If you are on a flight then walk around with the help of the crew.

-Use a seat belt either by car or on your flight at all times. It is important that you get a seat belt extension from the airline staff or make sure they have the necessary equipment with them on board.

-If you are driving adjust your seat to be at an angle rather than at a right angle as you will be more comfortable in a reclined position.

Is it Safe to Travel During Pregnancy

Is it Safe to Travel During Pregnancy

I remember taking 2 road trips while I was pregnant the first time. I was not aware of the dangers of doing so, but I was extremely careful nonetheless. My hus





Is it Safe to Travel During Pregnancy
Is it Safe to Travel During Pregnancy

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