Eat Healthy Foods for Long Hair




Hair is made of protein and when you suffer from hair damage or dandruff it is the lack of protein that needs to be addressed. It is best to increase your protein in your daily diet, you can also benefit from a few other nutrients and vitamins.

Increasing your protein intake is simple. Start with eating a portion of salmon once a week. You can eat fresh or canned variety; both are a great source of protein. It will work in your benefit and increases the growth of the hair.

Another way to increase your protein intake is to bite into an egg as often as you can. It is the best source of protein and also has the goodness of several other vitamins and minerals. You can also apply egg to your hair in order to increase the growth and improve the texture of your hair.


Some other foods that help you are almonds, soy protein, peanut butter and lentils. Eating these foods regularly help to increase the growth of your hair as well as improve the texture of your hair. Supplements, Health and beuty Blog

Eating foods that are high in sulfur content are also beneficial for your hair. These foods include cabbage, cauliflower, leeks, watercress, onions and parsley. They have a direct impact on the growth of your hair follicles. It is also safe to have sulfur in the supplement form though you must consult with your doctor before you start any such medication.

Zinc and beta carotene are also beneficial to your skin as well as your hair. They work by improving your immune system and boosting the growth of the hair in that way. You can get a healthy supply of beta carotene from carrots. Drinking fresh pure carrot juice will supply your body with the amount of beta carotene that it needs to increase the growth and thickness of your hair.

You also need to increase your water intake. This helps to reduce hair breakage and damage to the hair by external factors like pollution and sun damage. Water also helps to add moisture to your hair thus enhancing the growth.

Eat Healthy Foods for Long Hair

Eat Healthy Foods for Long Hair

Hair is made of protein and when you suffer from hair damage or dandruff it is the lack of protein that needs to be addressed. It is best to increase your prot





Eat Healthy Foods for Long Hair
Eat Healthy Foods for Long Hair

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