Swollen Feet Pregnancy




It is completely normal to have swollen feet and ankle in pregnancy as the body retains more fluid. Again, growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that in turn, impairs the return of blood to the heart. Again, this is also another cause for the swelling in the ankles and the feet. There are a lot of remedies to this swollen feet and ankle.Natural Cures to swollen feet and ankle in pregnancy:

Rich protein, minerals and vitamin food: With the intake of food that are rich in proteins like milk products, pulses and fish and the consumption of food that are also rich in vitamins, minerals, calcium and zinc, one is able to cure swollen feet and ankle at the time of pregnancy.


Maintain feet health: There is always a tendency to neglect the health of our feet but at the time of pregnancy, it becomes highly essential to maintain foot health and reduce the swelling. By keeping the feet elevated while resting and to keep in mind that one should reduce the activities and take regular breaks – all these together helps to reduce the swelling of the feet. Blog sobre salud

Drinking water: One of the main causes of the swelling of ankle is due to dehydration. One must intake plenty of water in order to prevent dehydration at the time of pregnancy. It would again serve the purpose of dealing with swollen ankle as intake of less water is one of the prime reasons for swollen ankle.

Coriander seeds: One has to boil a few tablespoons of coriander seeds in two cups of water. The boiling should be stopped when the water is reduced to one cup. This mixture has to be consumed after it is cooled. This is a good natural remedy for swelling feet.

Garlic powder and castor oil: A confection made from garlic powder that is mixed with 15 ml of castor oil must be taken internally for continuous 40 days. This mixture provides relief from painful ankle.

Coffee and alcoholic drinks: One must avoid the consumption of coffee and alcoholic drinks as these dehydrate the bodies of the essential fluids and this dehydration can cause swelling of feet and ankle.

Swollen Feet Pregnancy

Swollen Feet Pregnancy

It is completely normal to have swollen feet and ankle in pregnancy as the body retains more fluid. Again, growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that in tu






Swollen Feet Pregnancy
Swollen Feet Pregnancy

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