High Blood Pressure | Home Remedies




Millions across the globe are affected by High blood pressure or Hypertension according to medical terms, but few are aware of the fact that they are suffering from this disease.

The high blood pressure at the time of pregnancy is termed as pregnancy induced hypertension or PIH. This kind of high blood pressure .

The other term that is frequently used to describe high pressure is hypertension. It has been found that blood pressure tends to vary continuously and when it tends to rise.

The pressure generated when the circulating blood pushes against walls of blood vessels is called blood pressure. In the case of high

Blood pressure is a widespread and chronic ailment that is found among the individuals all over the globe


Cardamom belongs to Zingiberaceae family. It is an important member among spices.Cardamom is known by its small triangular seed pods with black seeds that are used as a flavoring agent in foods and drinks. Recetas faciles y rápidas

Atherosclerosis is a major risk factor for the individuals suffering from strokes, coronary artery disease as well as peripheral vascular disease. Atherosclerosis causes the thickening and hardening of the blood vessel

If you suffer from high cholesterol your body requires a balanced and proper diet.

Arteriosclerosis is the physical condition of the body that is typified by thickening and hardening of artery walls. It can be controlled by

REM sleep disorder is a sleeping disorder that is characterized by rapid eye movement. Daytime napping, alcohol, nicotine and caffeine aggravate it.

Isolated systolic hypertension is a condition in which the blood pressure of our body increases at very slow pace. The increase in blood pressure is too mild to be noticeable. As a matter of fact, it takes many years for hypertension to become readable. Therefore on long term, high blood pressure can be a symptom [...]

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure | Home Remedies

Millions across the globe are affected by High blood pressure or Hypertension according to medical terms, but few are aware of the fact that they are suffering






High Blood Pressure
High Blood Pressure

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