Sweaty Palms Treatment




Sweat palms are normally a sign of heat in your body; however it is sometimes commonly mistaken with anxiety or nervousness. It can get embarrassing when you need to shake someone’s hand and you are sweating. There are a few home remedies that you can use to reduce or get rid of the nuisance caused by sweaty palms. Herbal remedies work best; though in some cases basic hygiene has worked wonders.

Sage is an herb that is commonly used in the treatment of several ailments. It helps to decrease the amount of sweat that is released from your body thereby minimizing the sweat in your palms. Boil a cup of water with a few sage leaves and brew the mix for a few minutes. Let the water cool down and then drink the water 2 to 3 times a day. This will automatically reduce the amount of water that your body releases in the form of perspiration.


If your perspiration is a sign of anxiety or nervousness then passion flowers will come to your rescue. The herb will effortlessly reduce sweat in your palms during social interactions. The flower is normally used to clam nerves and is used for those who suffer from seizures and anxiety and panic attacks. Brew the herb as a tea and strain and consume the drink when it is cool. Try this remedy 3 to 4 times a day for a week and you will be able to get rid of the sweat in your palms. You must also drink a cup of this tea blend before you go out for events where you will need to interact with others. Supplements, Health and beuty Blog


Schisandra is an herb that is derived from a fruit that is commonly used in treating liver ailments and digestive disorders. Traditionally Chinese use the herb to control diarrhea and sweating. The herb is very strong and has several different tastes to it including pungent, spicy, sweet and salty and sour. The herb is very strong and can cause some side effects. If you use the herb and experience any stomach aches then you must discontinue use of the herb completely.

Sweaty Palms Treatment

Sweaty Palms Treatment

Sweat palms are normally a sign of heat in your body; however it is sometimes commonly mistaken with anxiety or nervousness. It can get embarrassing when you n






Sweaty Palms Treatment
Sweaty Palms Treatment

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