Cold Sores Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention




Cold sores are a viral disease which is very painful.  They are small, fluid filled blisters usually occurring on the mouth, lips and nose. They take many days to heal properly and have the tendency to reoccur. These sores spread through kissing, sharing utensils, or touching the infected person’s saliva. The first sign of eruption of these sores is onset of pain around mouth and lips. It is followed by fever, a sore throat, or swollen glands in the neck.

Once the blisters form completely, they break and fluid leaks from them. These symptoms continue for many weeks. Although the sores can heal by themselves after few days, it’s the conditions during the disease which are most painful. There are many conditions which assist in the spread of cold sores. These can include common cold, excess exposure to sunlight, stress, weak immune system, menstruation problems and wounds.


Home based remedies can be used to get relief from pain during sores. Rubbing ice on the infected area immediately sooths the painful blisters. Using warm tea bags on sores for about 20 minutes frequently throughout the day is another home based treatment. Witch hazel is also helpful in treatment of cold sores to some extent. A very effective home treatment for cold sores is rubbing the sores with common salt followed by a gentle massage of aloe vera gel on the affected region. This is very useful but painful treatment for cold sores. The process of healing can be enhanced by using lemon balm extract. Actos de contricion y Números de los Angeles

Treatment is helpful in minimizing the symptoms. But the best remedy is to take precautions to prevent the spread of cold sores altogether. Avoid spicy and junk foods which can cause acidity. Foods containing arginine like chocolates, peanuts, oatmeal and whole wheat should be avoided. Minimize intake of caffeine rich beverages like tea and coffee. Eat food rich in vitamins especially A, E and C. Food rich in minerals like zinc and iron are also essential. Eat as much as garlic possible. Sharing of utensils, cloths and other personal things should be avoided. Taking precautions is best possible way to cure cold sores.

Cold Sores Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Cold Sores Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Cold sores are a viral disease which is very painful.  They are small, fluid filled blisters usually occurring on the mouth, lips and nose. They take many day





Cold Sores Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
Cold Sores Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

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