How to Recognize Baby Blues And Postpartum Depression




Delivering a baby can be strenuous enough. But, what follows need not all be hunky dory. Instead of the exhilarating feeling of holding and feeding your baby you could end up feeling depressed. The symptoms of this depression could make you feel irritated, not feel like eating and even make you feel like committing suicide! Dangerous isn’t it? Chances are that such negative feelings could carry on for more than a year if left untreated.

How do you know that you are suffering from PPD or Post Partum Depression? If you feel a loss of interest in absolutely everything in life, if you suddenly lose or gain weight, if you are unable to sleep well, if you are constantly stressed out and consider yourself useless and of no value to the society, then, it is most likely that you are suffering from PPD or Baby Blues. Of course, all the mentioned symptoms apply to women who have just delivered! Women with a history of mental illness and those who suffer from premenstrual syndrome have more chances of suffering from PPD.


Usually, the condition of PPD needs to be treated more psychologically than with medication. If you suffer from PPD accept the fact there is nothing wrong in it. Also acknowledge the reality that you are not the only mother suffering from post partum depression. Innumerable mothers all over the world go through this as well. Most of the emotions tend to be exaggerated so, don’t always take your feelings at face value. That means that if you feel suicidal and believe that nobody needs you, remember that your baby needs you. Blog quiniela

Talking to someone you trust helps a great deal. Sharing your emotions can help you feel better apart from giving you that objective look into your condition. Whenever you feel extremely depressed try distracting yourself by reading a book, listening to music or watching television. Sometimes, women suffering from PPD tend to think they need to do all the work by themselves. Don’t. Also accept the evergreen fact that there are certain things in life that are always beyond our control. Most of us get helpless at times.

For women unable to cope up with the effects of PPD, a doctor can be approached for a treatment of psychotherapy and medication. This will reduce the unbearable condition to a great extent. And PPD is not permanent. So, don’t worry.

How to Recognize Baby Blues And Postpartum Depression

How to Recognize Baby Blues And Postpartum Depression

Delivering a baby can be strenuous enough. But, what follows need not all be hunky dory. Instead of the exhilarating feeling of holding and feeding your baby y





How to Recognize Baby Blues And Postpartum Depression
How to Recognize Baby Blues And Postpartum Depression

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