Recovery From an Eating Disorder




It is unfortunate that the media and glamour magazines and icons portray a picture that it is healthy to be as thin as a pencil. The images that our teens are exposed to lead them to dieting and in certain unfortunate instances even eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Often our teenagers are under the impression that not eating will help them to get the bodies that they admire and this makes them happy.

The problem does not only exist with teenagers but with adults as well. It is a serious disorder as it can lead to serious health issues some of which can even lead to death, if not treated and taken care off.

How to treat an eating disorder


There is no anti biotic treatment to cure the disorder. The only way to get rid of the problem is to admit that you have an eating disorder and work towards reducing the impact of the disorder. The best thing about the eating disorder is that the same way you started the fad you can get rid of it as well. You need to find yourself a specialist that will help you to get out of the disorder in a step by step program. Often you can find one at the local hospital or ask the school counselor or nurse for a reference. Often you do not only need counseling on your diet but also on your emotional and mental facts that support the need of the disorder. Todo sobre Pinganillos


When battling with the disorder you need to get counseling in the terms of family counseling, nutritional counseling, eating disorder education and inpatient treatment.

The best self help you can give yourself or a person that is suffering from an eating disorder is to have faith in yourself and your abilities. The fact that you are going through an eating disorder does not mean that it is food based. The cause of the disorder is often emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger or loss. You need to start feeling in control of your emotions and start building confidence in yourself. When you begin to get emotional you must lean on a support factor to help you out. Calling a friend and talking about what is disturbing you or listening to music and watching a movie are equally good options.

You must learn to start eating healthy foods and have a fixed time for your meals. Do not focus on what not to eat but focus on eating healthy foods instead. And most importantly, remember that food is not your enemy and it does not harm you.

Recovery From an Eating Disorder

Recovery From an Eating Disorder

It is unfortunate that the media and glamour magazines and icons portray a picture that it is healthy to be as thin as a pencil. The images that our teens are





Recovery From an Eating Disorder
Recovery From an Eating Disorder

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