Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux




Acid reflux is a condition where the stomach has huge amounts of acid produced. This leads to a burning sensation and general bloating. It also leads to heartburn sensations and general uneasiness. The main cause of this is a faulty diet and the only way to fight this is to maintain a well balanced diet. There are certain foods that trigger this condition and care must be taken to avoid them at all costs.

Tomatoes and citrus based food are the first things to eliminate from your diet when you are suffering with any symptoms of Acid Reflux. This includes sauces, juices and ketchup. Citrus fruits like oranges, limes, lemons, pineapples and grapefruit aggravate your condition and leads to the formation of Acid Reflux. Vegetables like cabbage, lentils, cauliflower and turnips cause gassy outbursts and hence care must be taken to avoid these foods. They also cause indigestion.


Foods like raw onions, spices like peppers, chilies and condiments that add flavor also cause burning sensations and heartburn sensations. Mexican cuisines are famous for their spices and in the case of indigestion and acid reflux you must avoid them at all costs. You must also avoid foods that are greasy and high in fats. These foods do not digest well and the fats linger in the digestive tract giving rise to the production of gases. This causes the burning sensation; so avoiding these foods is in your best interest. Eat plenty of salads but avoid the greasy salad dressings. Watch out for full fat dairy products as well; these do more harm than good. You must also stay clear of caffeine drinks like coffee, teas and sodas. These add caffeine to your system in large volumes and weaken your digestive track. Keep safe distance from chocolates, ice creams and milkshakes as well.

You must drink plenty of water; it needs to be the only drink in your diet. Avoid alcohol as it is dehydrating and this cause a build up of gas in your stomach. Peppermint candy cause a cooling sensation during consumption but wrecks havoc in your system and does not digest well and hence must be avoided in large amounts. A piece once in a while in fine, but do not make it a habit.

Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition where the stomach has huge amounts of acid produced. This leads to a burning sensation and general bloating. It also leads to heartb





Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux
Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

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