Dietflash Medical reflects on diet in teleworking times





To the extent possible, sedentarism that usually involves the long days of teleworking should be avoided.

The proliferation of teleworkcaused by the global pandemic coronavirus, in millions of households, can have direct effects on people's health. The risks of a much more sedentary life, and of jumping a series of eating habits, in this context, have already been warned by numerous nutrition and dietary professionals. The sedentarism tends to worsen the most frequent metabolic disorders, and goes to the detriment of a healthy life


The importance of setting goals and guided by professional criteria

Before building a building, you have to settle the bases. Well, in the case of dieting, the same happens a little. The first thing to do is to determine the dimension of the problem to be corrected. The challenge, overweight, severe obesity, or simply losing a bit of fat and controlling weight. Each situation will require some time, at each stage of the diet, determined.

On the other hand, it is also essential to have the criterion of a doctor or a nutrition professional. It is always preferable that health is controlled by experts on the subject, which will require a time determined by the diet, and that will help to follow the necessary steps at each time, and to adapt the diet to lose weight to the personal situation.

Watch the temptation to eat at once: control the times well
One of the greatest dangers of teleworking and sedentarism is that it constantly invites to enter the kitchen every two by three, to bite something, to eat at once. This small vice can become very harmful to the purpose of losing weight. In any diet it is very important to follow a few eating habits, marked by a few hours of concrete food. Camas articuladas

The normoproteic diet: a strategic option to lose weight
In this sense, the Dietflash method normoproteic dietcreated by Dr. Jimenez Ucero proposes a way of thinning designed to gain motivation and achieve progressive results. The method Dietflash normoproteic diet, in general, usually begins in the strictest phase (phase 1). In this way, a first faster weight reduction is achieved, without having to pass hunger or anxiety, which enhances the motivation and self-esteem of the person involved.

Then, it is followed with less restrictive phases and with a less short-term result, but very effective. The advantage, however, is that a good habit has already been taken in phase 1 and it has been proved that it offers results.

The three phases of the normoproteic diet
Normoproteic diet usually has three phases.. The first, as already pointed out, consists of a rapid slimming, through a strict diet, cetosis generator. This means that, due to the absence of hydrates and the amount of ingested proteins, the body begins to take advantage of fat deposits as a source of energy.

The second, in transition, leads to a slow slimming, thanks to the reintroduction of the glow and fatty nutrients. And finally, it enters the phase of food balance or maintenance, in which all food groups are already incorporated into the diet in an orderly manner.

Regular practice of physical exercise
In this regard, factors such as schedule, pace of life, food types and quantities must be considered. To end, you cannot ignore the importance of doing physical exercise, to foster a healthy lifestyle and accompany the diet. To the extent possible, it should not be carried away by the sedentarism that usually involves the long days of teleworking. It's not good to go from the chair to the sofa, and from the sofa to bed. Sport will also help supplement the diet and to feel better.

Dietflash Medical reflects on diet in teleworking times

Dietflash Medical reflects on diet in teleworking times

To the extent possible, sedentarism that usually involves the long days of teleworking should be avoided. /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/





Dietflash Medical reflects on diet in teleworking times
Dietflash Medical reflects on diet in teleworking times

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