How To Improve Health With Sushi




Sushi is an extremely healthful food from Japan. It’s light but simple and subtle in taste. Although fish is known to be a predominant ingredient in sushi, many vegetarian ingredients such as rice and vegetables are also used in this delectable dish.

It is best to used fresh ingredients in sushi. This is because most of the seasonings used have a light flavor and the stale ingredients will ruin the delicate taste of sushi.

It is a good idea to include sushi in your meal if you are dieting. They are packed with nutrients and are also low in calories. It is a good source of proteins, and most of it is lean protein that is very low in fat content. Most of the fats in sushi are omega 3 fats which promote health.


They strengthen the immune system, help fight viral infections, and keep coronary diseases at bay. It is rich in minerals and antioxidants that fight the cell damaging free radicals in the body.

Soy, wasabi and ginger are the main seasonings used in sushi. Ginger is also a prime ingredient in sushi, which has antibacterial properties, aids digestion and improves circulation. Wasabi is a Japanese horseradish and it also has antibacterial properties.

In fact, it can fight bacteria’s found in raw fish and hence its combination with sushi helps fight food poisoning. It is beneficial for ailments like asthma and cavities also. However, be cautious of sushi’s that contain high quantities of soy sauce. Some of the varieties of soy sauce are high in sodium.

Seaweeds are used in many types of sushi. Thin and toasted sheets of seaweed used in sushi are called nori. They are rich in enzymes, vitamins and minerals. They also contain vitamins like; A, D, C, K, E, and B complex. The vitamin B2 found in seaweed aids in generating heat energy in the body.

Minerals like; magnesium, calcium, and iron are also found in seaweed. Furthermore, they are loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients. Seaweeds also aid digestion of food and are good for the nervous and endocrine system. They are excellent foods for dieting as they are low in calories.  Vitamin U is found in abundance in seaweeds; it helps to prevent and heal ulcers.

The rice used in sushi is not fattening. It is low in fat as well sodium. Sticky white rice is a common ingredient in sushi and it has trace minerals such as; iron, phosphorous, manganese, and magnesium. If you want to avoid carbohydrates while you are dieting, just opt for sashimi. This is a variety of sushi that is made without rice.

Sea vegetables are also used in sushi. They are rich in iodine, which aids in all hormone functions in the human body. Other wholesome vegetables are also widely used in sushi are; scallions, shiitake mushrooms, avocados and cucumber. Vitamin C is found in both cucumber and scallions. Avocado is rich in potassium, omega fatty acids, vitamin E, K, and folate.

Kyuri is also an important ingredient in sushi. It is a Japanese cucumber that is long, slender, dark green in color with tiny bristles. Kyuri can be used in sushi either raw, after coooking or marinating.


It is abundant in vitamins E and A. It is also loaded with minerals like; iron, calcium, phosphorous. It is a good inclusion for dieting as it prevent water retention and weight gain. It is high in fiber content and thus can lower cholesterol level and also alleviate constipation. It also keeps heart diseases, breast cancer, and kidney diseases at bay. - Programas de TV, Series, Guía de episodios.

Mostly, cold water fish is used in sushi, which is an excellent source of lean proteins and essential fatty acids. Salmon, sardines and mackerel are good sources of essential fatty acids. Moreover, they are loaded with trace minerals such as; iron, calcium, magnesium, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, and potassium.

They also provide the body with plenty of vitamins like; A, D, and B-complex vitamins vitamins and calcium. Some fishes used in sushi are rich in vitamin E, which can benefit the skin and heart. Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, can also combat free radicals and reduce risk of cancer.

Although sushi is very healthy, one has to take certain precautions while consuming it. There are potential health hazards associated with consumption of sushi. Some of the fish used in preparing sushi might contain chemical pollutants from the sea.

One such extremely harmful pollutant is mercury, which is a neurotoxin. It can be passed into the body through the consumption of fish. People who should avoid consuming high quantities of mercury are; pregnant women, young children and even women planning pregnancy.

In other people, consumption of mercury can cause disorders like; paresthesia, feeling of sickness, etc. Paresthesia is a disorder that causes a sensation of prickling or tingling on the skin.

Other industrial wastes that can pollute fish are; dioxins, pesticides and PCBs. All these harmful pollutants remain in the body after they have been consumed. This can cause a number of health ailments, increase rick of cancers, reduce fertility, decrease sperm count, weaken the immune system, give rise to birth abnormalities, etc.

The large the fish, the greater are chances of pollutants in it. Therefore, try to use smaller fish while making sushi. Fishes that can contain high levels of mercury and other chemicals are; tuna, shark, swordfish and marlin.Pollock, shrimps and catfish contain lesser amount of toxic substances.

Also, eating raw fish is not very safe. It can contain parasites, bacteria and virus that are harmful for the body. A good way to eliminate such harmful parasites is to use only frozen fish while making sushi. So, when you eat sushi out at restaurants, ensure that only frozen fish is used to prepare it. Such harmful parasites can cause damage to the intestine and many digestive disorders.

However, most health expert’s advice that the health benefits of sushi outweigh the risks posed by pollutants and bacteria. Only, ensure that sushi is cooked the right way at home. Freezers at home do not have the low temperatures required to prepare sushi. It is advisable to use cooked crab and fish instead of raw ones while making it at home.

It should be eaten only at quality restaurants with trained chefs. Furthermore, not all types of sushi are good for dieting. There are some fried varieties also like tempura. In addition, some restaurants might use fattening ingredients while preparing sushi; such as mayonnaise and cream sauce.

How To Improve Health With Sushi

How To Improve Health With Sushi

Sushi is an extremely healthful food from Japan. It’s light but simple and subtle in taste. Although fish is known to be a predominant ingredient in sushi, m





How To Improve Health With Sushi
How To Improve Health With Sushi

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