Herbalife Nutrition grants $100,000 additional dollars for The Hunger Project





In the last year Herbalife Nutrition and The Hunger Project reached more than 16 million people with programs to combat hunger. Collaboration with The Hunger Project will expand three more years. World Hunger Day highlights the importance of finding sustainable solutions for hunger and poverty

The global company specializing in nutrition and healthy lifestyle, Herbalife Nutrition, together with the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF), announced this Thursday an additional commitment of $100,000 (90,600 euros) to The Hunger Project (THP), as part of its initiative “Nutrition for Zero Hunger” (Nutrition for Zero Hunger). Collaboration with The Hunger Project will expand three more years to finance education and development programmes, focused on women and led by rural communities around the world, affected by food insecurity and malnutrition.


“In the framework of the #MundialDelHambre, we are pleased to provide additional support to The Hunger Project and collaborate with them to end hunger,” said Alan Hoffman, Executive Vice President of Corporate Affairs of Herbalife Nutrition.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 821 million people live with chronic hunger worldwide. May 28 is the World Hunger Day, an anniversary created by The Hunger Project to raise awareness and highlight the need for sustainable solutions for hunger and poverty, and to inspire everyone to be part of the solution. Hunger is significantly worse in countries with agricultural systems that are very sensitive to rain, major temperature changes and severe drought, and where the livelihood of a high proportion of the population depends on local agriculture.

Over the past year, the initiative ”Nutrition for Zero Hunger” contributed to funding the work of The Hunger Project, which reaches more than 16 million people through water, sanitation and hygiene programmes, food insecurity workshops and leadership trainings for women, in more than 13,000 communities around the world. Noticias del cadiz

“The studies have shown that when women receive support and power, the whole society benefits,” said Jenna Recuber, Global Vice President of The Hunger Project. “We thank partners like Herbalife Nutrition, whose support allows women and men to be agents of their own development. Partnerships like this are essential to achieving sustainable change in rural communities that are already putting an end to hunger.”

According to FAO, if women farmers had the same access to resources as men, the number of hungry people in the world could be reduced by up to 150 million.

About Herbalife Nutritino Ltd
Herbalife Nutrition is a global company dedicated to changing the lives of people with quality nutritional products and a proven business opportunity for their Independent Members since 1980.

The company offers high quality products, supported by science, which are sold in more than 90 countries by Independent Members, who provide personalized training to inspire their customers by adopting a healthier and more active lifestyle. Through her global campaign to eradicate hunger, Herbalife Nutrition is also committed to bringing nutrition and education to communities around the world.

For more information, visit IAmHerbalifeNutrition.com.

Herbalife Nutrition also invites investors to visit their investor relations website go.herbalife.comwhere you will find all the updated financial information, as well as the latest developments.

Herbalife Nutrition grants $100,000 additional dollars for The Hunger Project

Herbalife Nutrition grants $100,000 additional dollars for The Hunger Project

In the last year Herbalife Nutrition and The Hunger Project reached more than 16 million people with programs to combat hunger. Collaboration with The Hunger P






Herbalife Nutrition grants $100,000 additional dollars for The Hunger Project
Herbalife Nutrition grants $100,000 additional dollars for The Hunger Project

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