How To Be Pretty




In order to look pretty, it is very important to concentrate on your natural beauty.


You can only look pretty, if you have good natural beauty. Just applying make up on the face does not help in making you look pretty.

Application of make up on the face only helps in augmenting your natural beauty. So, in order to be pretty, you need to concentrate on the natural beauty of your skin. Also, your way of dressing up and your attitude also help in defining your beauty.

Difficulty Level

Looking pretty is a very easy task. With the help of the below given tips, you would definitely look pretty and feel proud of yourself.


  • First of all, you should make sure to take proper care of your skin, so that a natural glow on the skin is attained. Make sure to clean your skin at least twice in a day with a good cleansing lotion. Thereafter, apply toner on the skin, to improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin. After applying toner, moisturize the skin with the help of application of good moisturizing lotion.
  • You should exfoliate your skin twice or thrice in a week with the help of a good exfoliating scrub. All the dead skin cells would be removed with the help of regular exfoliation process. The texture and tone of the skin would be improved in a great way, thus helping to augment your natural beauty.
  • Make up should be kept simple to enhance your natural beauty. Apply tinted moisturizer on the face. This would help in skipping the application of foundation. Do not forget to wear sunscreen on the skin, so that the skin is protected from harmful ultra violet rays of the sun. After that, apply a natural shade of eye shadow on the eyelids. Apply black colored eye liner on the upper eye lash line. Apply mascara on the eyelashes to make the eye lashes appear bigger and thicker. Thereafter, apply lip gloss to beautify the lips.
  • Last, but not the least, you should always make sure to keep a good smile on your face. This is a very good way to make you look pretty in a natural way.
  • How To Be Pretty

    How To Be Pretty

    You can only look pretty, if you have good natural beauty. Just applying make up on the face does not help in making you look pretty. In order to look pretty,





    How To Be Pretty
    How To Be Pretty

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