How To Make Garlic Butter




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Garlic butter is a variation of the traditional butter. Delicately flavored with garlic and subtle herbs, this butter is delicious and different. Garlic butter can be used over breads, sandwiches, pasta, etc. Garlic butter is great on grilled sea-food and grilled chicken. Garlic butter is a great dipping sauce for pizzas and Panini. Garlic butter is extremely to simple to make and there is no cooking involved in its preparation. This article has step-by-step instructions on how to make garlic butter at home.


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  • To make garlic butter, you will need one cup of butter or margarine. The quantity of the butter or margarine you take will depend on the amount of garlic butter you wish to make. There are a variety of butter types available in the market.
  • There are also butter varieties available that are low in saturated fats. You can choose the butter variety as per your preference. However, old fashioned butter tastes best for this recipe.
  • The next step is to crush about 3-4 cloves of garlic. It is best if you use freshly minced or crushed garlic. However, for convenience you can buy pre-crushed garlic jars available in the market. Ensure you do not use too much garlic in your butter as this can impart too strong a flavor to your garlic butter. You want the garlic flavor to be subtle and mild.
  • You can also add an Italian flavor to the garlic butter by adding some Italian spices such as crushed basil, thyme, rosemary, etc. These seasonings too should be used in very little amount and they must not over-power the flavor of garlic.
  • The next step is to assemble the garlic butter. To do this, take the butter in a large bowl and add the crushed garlic and the herbs. Mix all ingredients with the help of a fork or spatula. Ensure that the garlic butter becomes homogenous and smooth in consistency.
  • Taste the garlic butter and add garlic or herbs if necessary. Once ready, transfer the garlic butter to an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator. Garlic butter stays good in the refrigerator for several days.
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    How To Make Garlic Butter

    How To Make Garlic Butter

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    How To Make Garlic Butter

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