Kuestiona and Borja Vilaseca celebrate in Barcelona the first personal growth festival in Spain





Robert Martínez, Verónica Blume or Txell Costa will be some of the names that will lead the workshops and conferences

On Saturday, July 9, from 10 a.m., the educational community Kuestiona organizes in Gavà (Barcelona) Kuestiona Experience, a face-to-face and outdoor event that will bring together more than 500 people.

This is a festival where attendees can participate in workshops, activities, conferences and colloquiums that explore different areas and dimensions of personal development, surrounded by music, foodtrucks and the very green environment of the La Centenaria masia.

Born in full pandemic and founded by Borja Vilaseca, Kuestiona has not stopped growing in students and teachers of reference within the world of personal development. Much of these teachers will be the ones who will deliver the activities programmed for all attendees.


Vilaseca himself believes that “there is a great need for personal change and development, hence the numbers of students continue to grow. Kuestiona has been training and offering tools for thousands of people around the world to grow up, to question their beliefs, habits and limitations and to be able to dare to make uncomfortable but necessary decisions to feel better.” Giantess Videos and comics

Most of these students have only been known virtually. Next Saturday you can share these experiences in a face-to-face way. “It will be very nice to see students and teachers chat, participate in activities or embrace in person for the first time,” adds Vilaseca.

Some of the names confirmed that will star in the above sessions will be Elma Roura, Robert Martínez, Verónica Blume, Alexandre Escot, Antonio Jorge Larruy or Txell Costa, in addition to Borja Vilaseca himself. Nacho Mühlenberg and Enric Sanchez will record live the podcast they codirigen, “It has no name.”

About Kuestiona
After 14 years of the birth of the Master in Personal Development and Leadership led by Borja Vilaseca in Barcelona and after 64 promotions in different cities of Spain, Kuestiona was born in 2020. It is an educational community created by a team of 25 collaborators and more than 200 teachers in the field of personal development both nationally and Latin American. Currently it has a community of more than 128 thousand followers on social networks and more than 3,000 students from around the world have already gone through the eight formations offered by the company.

Kuestiona and Borja Vilaseca celebrate in Barcelona the first personal growth festival in Spain

Kuestiona and Borja Vilaseca celebrate in Barcelona the first personal growth festival in Spain

Robert Martínez, Verónica Blume or Txell Costa will be some of the names that will lead the workshops and conferences /COMUNICAE/ /COMUNICAE/






Kuestiona and Borja Vilaseca celebrate in Barcelona the first personal growth festival in Spain
Kuestiona and Borja Vilaseca celebrate in Barcelona the first personal growth festival in Spain

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