Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection




Urinary tract infection is also known as UTI, is a bacterial that affects bladder or kidney of urinary tract and bacteria begins multiplication and growth in urine. It causes painful urination, burning sensation, inflammation, urge of urination etc. Bacteria called E.Coli causes UTI that usually reside in the colon but have found their way into urinary tract.
UTI is treated with help of Antibiotics but they also have some side effects, some natural home remedies are found useful in treatment of urinary tract infection.To prevent recurrent infection, home remedies are safe and best way for UTI.


General Home Remedies For UTI

Eat and drink the right food. Drink at least eight glasses of water daily to keep the urinary tract flushed and prevent bacteria from colonizing. Baking soda helps to alkalinize the urine and sooth inflamed tissue of urinary tract. Fruits containing vitamin C like orange, lemon etc. improves the immune system which helps to cure urinary tract infection.
Blueberries or blueberry juice are natural antioxidants which helps to cure bacterial infection by building strong immune system.


Pineapple also helps to cure UTI as it contains enzyme called bromelain that improves digestive, kidney function and decrease in fat. Garlic contains properties that help to prevent multiplication and growth of E.Coli which further kills bactria. Apple cider vinegar also possesses similar properties of killing E.Coli bacteria.Keeping the genital area clean and making sure to wipe from front to back after a bowel movement are vital preventive measures. Nylon inner wares may be keeping the genital area too warm and moist, an environment that bacteria love; switch to cotton under-wear, which allows the genital area to breathe. Trucos de los Sims 4

Limit alcohol and caffeine beverages intake as they can irritate bowel function responsible for cause of UTI. Avoid excess intake of sweet sugary food and refined carbohydrates that may promote growth of bacteria. Take a good pro-biotic each day to keep your E coli under control. Some women find that herbal teas help to prevent infection and reduce symptoms of UTI. A tea made from herbs is a folk remedy used for bladder and kidney ailments.Aroma therapy oils like sandalwood, tea tree, bergamot etc. are mixed together and massaged over bladder area does not cure infection but help to reduce of symptoms of infection. Extract of Echinacea and Oregon grape root as it helps in fighting bacterial infection. Use of heating pad or hot water pad on abdomen can help minimize the pain caused by UTI.


Cranberry Juice

It is a traditional recipe that plays important role in treatment of urinary tract infection. Cranberry juice is a natural healer of UTI. Cranberry and Blueberry have properties contains natural properties that prevents bacteria from building up in the bladder. Thus, the bacteria that can cause infections are flushed out in urine. Cranberry juice can be taken raw, with yogurt or buttermilk as it keeps infection at bay when first sign of UTI is observed. It is also observed that cranberry juice can aggravates their symptoms by increasing the acid content in their urine, which may cause it to burn when it passes through urine.

Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection is also known as UTI, is a bacterial that affects bladder or kidney of urinary tract and bacteria begins multiplication and growth in u





Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection
Natural Home Remedies For Urinary Tract Infection

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