Nurses develop the first memes-based application to combat vaccine bules





ANENVAC’s multidisciplinary group “El humor inmuniza”, in collaboration with the #HealthsinBulos Institute and 360 medics, have created an application that shows the potential of memes to fight vaccine bules

Humor is a very valuable tool to fight against vaccine disinformation, but it has so far been used mainly by the antivacunas, according to the developers of the free app “El humor inmuniza”, a multidisciplinary group of the National Association of Nursing and Vacunas (ANENVAC), in collaboration with the #HealthsinBulos Institute and 360 medics. This is the first application that seeks to help health professionals fight vaccines through the memes.

“Memes spread very quickly, they have an ideological burden and during the pandemic they have helped to create opinion states against vaccination. In the face of this, we must take advantage of the potential of these memes to transmit messages to the entire population about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines,” explains Rosa Sancho, Vice President of ANENVAC and head of the creation group “El humor inmuniza”.


In this sense, a recent study published in the journal Health Education & Behaviour analysed the content of the memes for and against immunization. The main topics present in the antivacuna memes were fear-based concerns about the effects of vaccines on security and conspiracy theories about government or pharmaceutical companies. In addition, they identified that antivacunation memes contained a higher percentage of false information than memes for vaccination and used a higher degree of emotion and fear. Memes for vaccines use sarcasm instead. In addition, they found that anativacunas memes are more likely to be shared than those who support immunization. Mejores tendederos

In addition, the data of this study confirm that the memes are the contents that are most shared in social networks and are disseminated without any filter, without checking their veracity.


“We cannot let the antivacunas win us in their speech, even though it is presented as harmless as a meme. We need more participation from all of society in this work, more health professionals and active users of networks that use the smile to unmask the arguments of the antivacunas,” warns Carlos Mateos, coordinator of #HealthsinBulos.

The new application aims to show the potential of the memes to fight the bulos about vaccines. It allows the health care professional to know the wrong message that transmits the boom and the answer that he must address. It will also allow the specialist to send the buds he finds to spread them with the proper scientific replica or simply see the buds that circulate and their scientific counter-arguments. The app can be found in the search bar of the App 360 medics with the name Humor Inmuniza.

Nurses develop the first memes-based application to combat vaccine bules

Nurses develop the first memes-based application to combat vaccine bules

ANENVAC’s multidisciplinary group “El humor inmuniza”, in collaboration with the #HealthsinBulos Institute and 360 medics, have created an application th





Nurses develop the first memes-based application to combat vaccine bules
Nurses develop the first memes-based application to combat vaccine bules

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