A more active ride with these Herbalife Nutrition tips





Summer is a time of change of habits, especially in the adolescent and child population: relaxed routines, more increase of caloric food and the weight or alterations of sleep are some of the consequences that the summer season leaves among the youngest. The key to returning with motivation and energy is to mark a physical, nutritional and resting routine

September is synonymous with routine, but also with new beginnings. They leave behind the summer months, a time of greater excesses and permissivity, to enter into the reality of autumn. This change is especially important for children and adolescents, to whom the new school course can be made uphill. To avoid this, the multinational specializing in nutrition and healthy lifestyle, Herbalife Nutrition, recommends having a marked routine, on a physical, nutritional and resting level, to undertake the return to school with as much energy as possible. These are the three areas that, if met, ensure healthy habits for adolescents:


Balanced nutrition
Food is fundamental, especially at the stage of childhood and adolescence, in which, to promote proper growth, the diet must be balanced and rich in vitamins and minerals as necessary, such as iron, vitamin B or calcium.

As the bodies change and grow, the feeding must be adapted to favor these processes. If something should not be lacking in the nutrition of children and adolescents is breakfast, one of the most important meals of the day. Milk, fruit and cereals, essential ingredients, will be responsible for providing them with the energy they need to face their day.

Recreation time is a good time to regain strength after the first hours of class. The snacks made at home with healthy ingredients, cheese, or fruits, are the most suitable options for this lunch and snacks. They should also be accompanied by water instead of sugary drinks.

The meals, whether in the school or at home, should include cereals, rice, proteins, vegetables and fruits. Meats, fish and eggs should be consumed between 3 and 4 times a week, and legumes between 2 and 3 times a week. On the other hand, dinners should predominate salads, cheeses and fruits, as well as a main dish of fish or soup, for example. Share breakfasts and dinners instill values in children related to a healthy diet. Another good option is to involve them in the purchase and preparation of food. Que dia se celebra hoy

The right rest
Quality sleep is basic for general well-being. As David Heber, president of the Herbalife Nutrition Institute, says, is “so essential for survival as food or water.” Sleep favors a wide variety of important functions, including metabolism and mental health, while forming neural connections in a constant way. For that reason, without a proper dream it is impossible to develop capacities such as learning or concentration. In addition, poor sleep will make children and adolescents without energy and fatigued during the day.

To avoid this problem, it is important to create a sleep routine; that is, to lie down and get up always at the same time, to the extent that this is possible, to use the bed only to sleep, thus encouraging the mind to associate the bed with sleep, avoid naps during the day and avoid the use of electronic devices for at least an hour before bedtime.

Daily physical exercise
Physical activity is essential to maintain healthy habits in children and adolescents. Being active will allow them not only to get away from sedentarism, but also to concentrate better and have a greater capacity of memory when studying.

Samantha Clayton, vice president of the area Physical Sports and Performance in Herbalife Nutrition, recommends fun physical activities and that require motor movements for children; and riding a bike, skating, playing team or individual sports for adolescents. In addition, climbing stairs and not using the lift, or walking instead of taking the car or bus to go to school are good ways to stay active and fit.

Childhood and adolescence are important stages for proper growth and development, both physically and mentally. The return to school involves re-fining with friends, but also giving the best of oneself to get good results in studies. With energy and predisposition, through daily exercise, either through games or sports, and a balanced diet, facing this new course will be easier. Happy return to school!

A more active ride with these Herbalife Nutrition tips

A more active ride with these Herbalife Nutrition tips

Summer is a time of change of habits, especially in the adolescent and child population: relaxed routines, more increase of caloric food and the weight or alte






A more active ride with these Herbalife Nutrition tips
A more active ride with these Herbalife Nutrition tips

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