Aromatherapy For Pregnant Women




When you are pregnant you are restricted from ingesting medications that are not prescribed, yet it is at this time that you feel that you need the drugs the most. When you are pregnant you suffer from morning sickness. This makes you feel nausea through the day and is always accompanied with a headache. Remember that not all oils are safe to use when you are pregnant, so you must research the oils you are using before you administer any practice. Always consult your doctor and a certified practitioner before you start using any oils.

Peppermint oils are known to relieve nausea and morning sickness. Lemon aromatherapy oils relieve gas, indigestion and heartburn. This is common during pregnancy as not all food settles well with you as they did in the past.


Most women are stressed out during their pregnancy. This leads to muscle tension, body cramps, mood swings and numbness in the body. Sage oil works best to relieve these symptoms of stress. You can use this oil when you are in labor as well to relieve the stress that you experience. Chamomile oil can be used as well to cure the anxiety that you experience. Serviços de finanças

Fatigue is a part of being pregnant. No matter if you are a working woman or a home maker, you will get tired by completing daily tasks. Using sandalwood oil will help to relieve you. Lavender oil will help you to relax and calm your senses. A mixture of grapefruit, orange and lavender oil will help to get rid of your fatigue.

How to administer aromatherapy when you are pregnant

Never massage the oils directly onto your abdomen. Use a hot or a cold compress on your forehead to relieve stress, morning sickness and nausea. Add a few drops of the oil to your handkerchief or use a diffuser in your car or at home. Never use a concentrate of the oils but always dilute them. You can add the oils to your bath water or use incense sticks or candles.

Aromatherapy For Pregnant Women

Aromatherapy For Pregnant Women

When you are pregnant you are restricted from ingesting medications that are not prescribed, yet it is at this time that you feel that you need the drugs the m





Aromatherapy For Pregnant Women
Aromatherapy For Pregnant Women

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