Vitamin D Foods & Benefits




Human body has the ability to synthesize Vitamin D with the help of the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Both food and sunlight are considered as the natural sources of vitamin D for the human body. Deficiency of vitamin D can cause rickets among the children. In US, the problem of rickets had been a major concern in the period of 1930s.

However, the introduction of milk in the daily intake of diet of the pregnant mothers helped to solve this problem to a great extent. Milk is fortified with vitamin D but one should always be aware that milk products like cheese and ice-cream are not fortified with this vitamin.


In the present days, we come across a number of foods that are readily available containing high contents of vitamin D. These foods can easily fulfill the minimum requirements of the body. Our body necessitates at least 10mcg of this vitamin on a daily basis.

The oily and fatty fish like mackerel, tuna, salmon, sardines and herring are the only food that has naturally rich contents of this vitamin. Eggs, margarine, liver as well as fortified foods like milk and cereals contain a lesser amount of vitamin D. Phasmophobia Game - Todo sobre el juego Phasmophobia

The foods that are rich in Vitamin D help to prevent osteoporosis as well as back pain among the adults. In children, these foods prevent the occurrence of rickets as well as a condition of the body that is also called osteomalacia.

These ailments can cause a condition of the body that can lead to the weakness of the muscles and the bones. The foods containing rich sources of vitamin D helps in the development of strong and healthy bones.

Vitamin D helps to treat multiple sclerosis and also helps to keep the mind of the older men sharp and quick. The foods that is rich in vitamin D are also used to treat Psoriasis as well as in fighting asthma. These foods are also useful in the prevention of cancer.

Modern studies reveal that foods that are strong in vitamin D help in the fighting of the cancers like breast and prostate cancers and also effectively prevent diabetes, depression and obesity.

Vitamin D Foods & Benefits

Vitamin D Foods & Benefits

Human body has the ability to synthesize Vitamin D with the help of the ultraviolet rays of the sun. Both food and sunlight are considered as the natural sourc





Vitamin D Foods & Benefits
Vitamin D Foods & Benefits

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