Home Remedies For Panic Attacks




Panic attacks are episodes of anxiety and fear which beset one suddenly and can last anywhere between a few minutes to several hours. They occur due to a condition known as panic disorder. These attacks are quite different from other types of anxiety and fear because they are unprovoked and meaningless. They can affect the health seriously.

The sufferer feels palpitations, shortness of breath, pounding fear in the chest and chest pains.A person may experience a panic attack anywhere and at anytime and wherever the attack occurs, like when driving, or in the elevator or a crowded store, he/she develops a fear of that place and is afraid of stepping out of the house for fear of experiencing the same terror and panic.


This disrupts the day to day routine and strains the normal lifestyle. There are several simple and easy methods, by the practice of which the symptoms of this condition can be reduced and cured.

Effective Home Remedies For Panic Attacks

Chamomile Tea

This tea has been used in folk medicine since time unknown for its various healing and curative properties. It has sedative and anti-inflammatory properties which remove stress and anxiety and calm the overwrought nerves.

It relaxes the brain and boosts the immunity system. Boil a cup of water and add two teaspoons of dried chamomile to it. Steep for ten minutes then strain the infusion, add a teaspoon of honey and sip the hot tea three times daily.


Almonds are considered as a brain food. They full of essential nutrients which nourish the brain as well as the entire body and keeps it well functioning.  They are full of magnesium, potassium and calcium which enhance the function of the nervous system and keep the brain sound and healthy. Soak fifteen almonds in the night. Horoscopos y tarot de amor

In the morning, remove their skin and grind them to fine paste. Mix the paste in a glass of hot milk, add some sugar and drink this nourishing potion every morning.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is renowned for its high content of omega 3 fatty acids which are very crucial for all the functions in the body. These antioxidants promote sound health by removing the harmful free radicals from the body and detoxifying it.

They also strengthen the tissues and cells in the brain and improve its function. Take a teaspoon of fish oil twice daily to feel completely calm and relaxed.

Also Read

Top 5 Herbal Remedies For Panic Attacks
Natural Remedies for Panic Attacks
How To Stop Panic Attack
Treating Panic Attacks Naturally

Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and polyphenols which protect the brain from oxidative stress and lower the activity of monoamine oxidase. By doing so, they preserve the health of the brain cells and the tissues and keep the nervous system well functioning. Drink three cups of green tea daily.

Poppy Seeds

Poppy seeds are full of valuable nutrition and are considered to be very healthy for the brain. They have natural relaxing properties which calm the jagged nerves and reduce fear and anxiety.

Soak one tablespoon of poppy seeds and one teaspoon of raisins in a little water overnight. In the morning grind them to fine paste. Mix the paste in a cup of warm milk and drink this mixture every morning.

Home Remedies For Panic Attacks

Home Remedies For Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are episodes of anxiety and fear which beset one suddenly and can last anywhere between a few minutes to several hours. They occur due to a condi






Home Remedies For Panic Attacks
Home Remedies For Panic Attacks

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