Tightening Skin




Our skin is made up of a million cells that are constantly under the process of cell renewal. This leads to the skin degenerating if not taken care of. Poor diet and dietary habits can lead to the skin cells degenerating and this can make the surface of the skin look dull and unhealthy. In order to tighten the skin cells you must shape up your diet plan and live a healthier lifestyle. A good skin care regime will also help you to keep your skin healthy and youthful.

Firstly you need to avoid using soaps on your face. Use a mild face wash or a moisturizing cleansing bar. This will help you to lock in the natural oils on the surface of the skin. You must avoid washing your face more than 3 times a day.


Use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. You must apply a thin layer of the lotion your face during the day; at night you may be a little more generous. Keeping your skin moisturized is a good way to loose the skin increase the elasticity .

You must bathe twice a day; no matter what the climate is like outside. Bathing allows the toxins to get eliminated from the skin; thereby keeping it healthy and glowing. When you bathe you must use a loofah to get rid of the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. You will notice that the skin feels softer and smoother when you use a loofah. Use An almond based body wash or soap to tighten the pores on the skin. Blog sobre Formación Universitaria

In order to tighten the pores on the skin you must massage your skin regularly. Mustard oil is the best oil for your skin as it nourishes as well as increases the elasticity of your skin. After a massage you must use a sauna to clean the pores from within. This will help to make the skin look healthier and give it a natural glow.

Use a body scrub once a week in order to get rid of the dead skin cells and to keep skin healthy. This can also be done by exercising in order to tone the muscles in the body.

Tightening Skin

Tightening Skin

Our skin is made up of a million cells that are constantly under the process of cell renewal. This leads to the skin degenerating if not taken care of. Poor di






Tightening Skin
Tightening Skin

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