What Good does Oranges do for your Body




We all know and have read that eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables is extremely good for health. Most of us make efforts to eat at least 2 fruits a day, but very few people are aware of what exactly does the fruit have and how it benefits us. Let’s look at how eating an orange everyday can benefit us. Here is a list of nutrients and minerals that oranges contain.

Oranges are known to be a great source of Vitamin A. This vitamin is great for good skin and hair. So oranges are good for you if you complain of excessive acne or dull looking skin. It is high in anti oxidants, which means it helps cleanse your body off the toxins.

Another vitamin that is prominent in oranges is vitamin B mainly thiamine. It is good for the nervous system and brain health.


Vitamin C is highly beneficial in boosting the immune system. It makes you stronger from inside and helps fight off the bad bacteria or viral infections.

Oranges are a great source of calcium and this helps in bone development.

Phosphorus that is prevalent in oranges helps in bone and teeth development. It has to be combined with calcium, as calcium alone is not sufficient. Phosphorous also aids digestion and helps the kidneys function properly. Autoclave de vapor Blog

Potassium in the oranges help control anxiety, stress and irritability. It also helps lower high blood pressure and increases muscular strength.

Oranges have proven to be beneficial for the heart; this is due to their high fiber content. If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol, eating an orange everyday along with other healthy food items will be beneficial for you. The fiber in oranges acts like a magnet to attract bad cholesterol and throws it out of the body.

Folic acid in oranges is beneficial for the development of the brain. It also helps keep blood pressure under check.

Oranges contain beta carotene which protects the cells from getting damaged, hence oranges can also protect from stomach or mouth cancers. Eating an orange as a mid day snack is an amazing way to recharge yourself. The sweet and tangy flavor will refresh you when your energy levels seem to be low or when you are feeling de hydrated.

Include this fruit in your daily diet to get amazing health benefits it has to offer.

What Good does Oranges do for your Body

What Good does Oranges do for your Body

We all know and have read that eating fresh fruits and raw vegetables is extremely good for health. Most of us make efforts to eat at least 2 fruits a day, but






What Good does Oranges do for your Body
What Good does Oranges do for your Body

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