Tips to Get Rid of Germs




Falling ill due to food poisoning is common. Not only is it important to wash the foods that you cook, but you also need to wash your hands before you cook the food to help to get rid of the bacteria from your hands. You need to wash extra well before and after touching meats.

The fact of the matter is our hands touch almost everything we see. From checking out fruits and vegetables at the super market to the grill on the sub way, our hands touch and transfer germs from one place to another. It is important to wash your hands well before and after any activity that includes eating or touching your face to prevent the spread of germs.

Washing your hands with warm water is the safest bet. Do not use running water but dip them in a bowl of warm water and let them soak for a few minutes. Then use an anti septic soap and lather up. Rub between the digits of your fingers and under your nails. If you sport long nails then you must use a fine toothbrush to wash under the nails to get rid of the dirt and germs that collect under the nails. Let the sap stay on your hands for a few minutes and then dip your hands in the warm water to rinse the soap. Get rid of the soapy water and pour another bowl of water and rinse your hands for the second time in the clean water. Horoscopos y tarot de amor


If you are at a public place and you do not have access to hot water or soap then you can use soap free anti bacterial hand wash that does not require water. They are normally available in liquid or gel form and they help to get rid of the bacteria from your hands. There are several medicated ones available as well.

If you are in the kitchen and you touch vegetables and meats then you must wash your hands before you touch the foods as well as after touching them to avoid germs from transferring from your hands to the food and vice versa.

One must avoid washing your hands too often though in order to avoid losing the natural oils from your skin.

Tips to Get Rid of Germs

Tips to Get Rid of Germs

Falling ill due to food poisoning is common. Not only is it important to wash the foods that you cook, but you also need to wash your hands before you cook the





Tips to Get Rid of Germs
Tips to Get Rid of Germs

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