Remedies for Cuts and Wounds




It is a known fact that you are bound to get a few minor nicks and cuts during you day. Something as minor as a paper cut can cause a lot of pain and hamper your daily activities. You need not always go to a doctor to take care of the cut but there are a few precautions that you must take to prevent infections and to ensure that the wounds heal quickly.

The first thing that you need to do is to clean the wound. If the cut is not too big then wash it with warm water and a mild anti septic. This will help to get rid of the blood and stop the bleeding. If the wound is big then you must use a paper towel or a clean rag and apply pressure to the wound. This will help to stop the bleeding. Once you take care of this you need not fear for half the battle has been won. The beauty of the human body is that it has a way of healing itself.


In order to ensure that the grazes heals themself without leaving a scar you must use Aloe Vera on the cut. This will help it to heal quickly and prevent any tingling and burning sensation. You can also try boiling Aloe Vera leaves and apply the paste to your wound. This helps to prevent any infection.

Another way to kill infections is to boil linseed oil and add turmeric to it. When it cools down but is still warm apply the paste to the area with a clean cotton swab. This will give you instant relief from the pain and will heal the wound quicker and without leaving scars.

Beyond topical treatments you must also take care to prevent infections internally. Drink a warm glass of milk with turmeric added to it. It will increase your immunity and prevent infections. You must also have a spoon of honey as it is high in its anti bacterial properties.

Remedies for Cuts and Wounds

Remedies for Cuts and Wounds

It is a known fact that you are bound to get a few minor nicks and cuts during you day. Something as minor as a paper cut can cause a lot of pain and hamper yo





Remedies for Cuts and Wounds
Remedies for Cuts and Wounds

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