How To Make Cocoa Chocolate Flavored Lip Balm




Our features define our beauty. Be it our eyes, our nose, our cheeks, our jawbones or our sexy lips. Well, sexy or not, our lips do speak a lot about our beauty regime. How many of you actually spend money on a quality lip balm?

Well, am sure not many of you would be saying yes. But it is funny that even if we do not care about lip care, almost all of us would give anything to have a pink, plump pout. Start now by making this easy cocoa chocolate flavored lip balm your best friend.

Chocolate and cocoa butter are one of the best combinations for a lip balm. The cocoa butter provides nourishment and moisture, and the chocolate provides a yummy flavor to the balm. The cocoa nut in itself is a great anti-oxidant and contains moisturizing properties.


If you really want to bid goodbye to dry, flaky and chapped lips, this lip balm is your savior. To topple all the good properties, this balm has the addictive and beautiful chocolate to impart flavor and smell. Read on to figure out how to make this natural, chemicals free lip balm.

Things Needed For Cocoa Chocolate Flavored Lip Balm –

Microwave friendly bowl

Tongs or oven mitts

Cocoa butter, non-synthetic (Available in good organic beauty shops)

Almond oil
Coconut oil
Wooden spoon
Cocoa powder

Procedure Of Cocoa Chocolate Flavored Lip Balm –

Chop around 2 tablespoons of cocoa butter in the microwave friendly bowl. Once done, heat for around 20 seconds or more till it melts. Please make sure that you use pure, unsweetened and non-deodorized cocoa butter for this.

Once it melts, add a tablespoon of beeswax and heat again for a few seconds till the mixture is melted. Do not heat for prolonged periods. It’s best to heat in intervals. Vinos de Granada

Once melted, add a tablespoon of pure almond oiland a tablespoon of coconut oil. Mix well to ensure that the oils are completely dissolved in the cocoa butter and beeswax mixture.

Once mixed, add a tablespoon of cocoa powder. You may use sweet cocoa powder but it is again best to use pure unsweetened cocoa powder.

Once mixed well, pour around a teaspoon of pure honey and mix well. Honey adds a sweet kick to the balm apart from making it more effective and nourishing.

The cocoa chocolate flavored lip balm is ready. Pour this mixture into containers and cool them for around a day. Do not refrigerate. Allow the lip balm to harden before using.

Look Out For These –

Use clean and distilled containers for storing the lip balm. If you are using old lip balm containers, make sure you boil them in hot water and clean properly before pouring in the mixture.

To avoid spilling, use newspapers to cover the work surface. Also use oven mitts or tongs while handling hot surfaces.
If you want you can add a pinch of grated chocolate for extra flavor.

If you want a combination of other flavors, add the required essential oil just before pouring the mixture to containers. In case you are adding different flavors, do away with honey. Peppermint, orange, strawberry, vanilla, are some good flavors that go well with chocolate.

This lip balm is very good for carrying around in the purse. You can maketwo to threeat a go and keep one in your office, one at home and one in your purse. Do not forget to dab on this heavenly lip balm every now and then for beautiful lips as sweet and alluring as chocolate.

How To Make Cocoa Chocolate Flavored Lip Balm

How To Make Cocoa Chocolate Flavored Lip Balm

Our features define our beauty. Be it our eyes, our nose, our cheeks, our jawbones or our sexy lips. Well, sexy or not, our lips do speak a lot about our beaut





How To Make Cocoa Chocolate Flavored Lip Balm
How To Make Cocoa Chocolate Flavored Lip Balm

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