How to Whiten Your Teeth




If you have been thinking about whitening your teeth then there are several questions that may have come up in your mind. What is the best way to whiten your teeth? Are there any negative effects of whitening your teeth? Your dentist is the best person to answer these questions for you.

All whiteners have a peroxide base not matter what form they are in. They normally come in gel, paste and liquid form and they work to reduce the stains on the surface of the tooth. Before you use any type of whitener consult your dentist as there are several side effects that you may encounter especially if you have crowns or caps.

Home Remedies For Whitening Your Teeth


A common home remedy to whitening your teeth is in your kitchen. It is a common ingredient that you use daily. Baking soda is the answer t your problems. There is a chemical reaction between the water and the baking soda which causes the teeth to brighten. Simply dip your tooth brush in the baking powder and polish your teeth gently. You may also choose to use toothpaste with a baking soda base. Pronunciacion de canciones

Foods like apples, carrots and celery are high in starch and act as natural whiteners. Cabbage, lettuce and spinach are high in minerals and these form a protective layer over the teeth to prevent staining from other foods.

If you want your teeth to shine without making an effort, then you need to choose your outfits wisely. Opt for clothes in darker hues like blacks, browns and blues. Reds bring out the best in your face. Avoid yellows and oranges as they tend to show the stains on your teeth.

Lastly remember that the whitening agents that the dentist uses is three times stronger than any home products. So if you are looking to glam up urgently, then you must meet up with your dentist for optimum results.

How to Whiten Your Teeth

How to Whiten Your Teeth

If you have been thinking about whitening your teeth then there are several questions that may have come up in your mind. What is the best way to whiten your t





How to Whiten Your Teeth
How to Whiten Your Teeth

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