Symptoms of Urethritis and Urethritis Treatment | Natural Home Remedies




Urethritis is the irritation of urethra which is the tube, all the way through which the urine moves from the bladder to the exterior. It is the bacterial infection that causes inflammation of urethra. This urinary infection occurs usually due to the short size of urethra and it is closely located to anus and vagina among the women. Hence any sort of carelessness can help in the transmission of bacterium into the urinary tract.

Urethritis symptoms

Urethritis symptoms vary from individual to individual. Many people might experience no symptoms especially at the early stages of the disease.  Some of the symptoms of women include lower abdominal pain, burning sensation or pain with the discharge of urine, sudden and strong urge as well as frequent need to urinate, abnormal vaginal discharge, heavy menstruation, bleeding between menstruation as well as painful sexual intercourse. Indications of urithritis infection among men include discharge (milky or pus like) from penis, stinging or burning with urination and prickling, scratchy, burning or irritation of the penis.



Water: Drinking less water can cause less flow of urine and this could give rise to dehydration. On the contrary, intake of plenty of water can cause all the toxins to be removed from the body and also the cleansing of entire excretory system. Intake of lots of water can also provide immediate relief from the pain.

Holding urine: Holding urine for too long can cause infection in urethra. Hence, doctors always advice not to hold back urine for a long period. It is one of the leading causes of urethritis.

Cranberry juice and blueberry juice: The juices of both cranberries and blueberries have high antioxidants that help to fight infections. Again the juices of cranberry and blueberries acidify the urine as well as reduce the infection.  Hence pure herbal cranberry or blueberry juice is very effective for treating urithritis.

Vitamin C: Intake of vitamin C also helps in the prevention of urithritis.

Baking soda: Mix one spoon of baking soda to a glass of water. It helps in the easing of the infection. Soda neutralizes the acidity of the urine thus speeding up the recovery process.

Symptoms of Urethritis and Urethritis Treatment

Symptoms of Urethritis and Urethritis Treatment | Natural Home Remedies

Urethritis is the irritation of urethra which is the tube, all the way through which the urine moves from the bladder to the exterior. It is the bacterial infe





Symptoms of Urethritis and Urethritis Treatment
Symptoms of Urethritis and Urethritis Treatment

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