Natural Remedies for Corns and Calluses




Firstly, we need to understand what causes corns and calluses, as there might be things which we could be doing unknowingly that could probably make things worse. These are caused by friction of skin against a tight surface, so ladies, maybe it’s the latest pointy toe shoes that squeeze your toes which could be the culprit, maybe your trainers are a size too small or the socks you wear could have a seam that brushes against your toes.

Corns and calluses are thick & hard layers of skin, normally they aren’t very painful, but if not treated on time can prove to be quite painful, special care is required if you are diabetic.

There is a difference between the two is that calluses are layers of skin that thicken to protect the skin surface from constant friction and may not be painful at all. These could normally develop on the sides of your foot. When calluses form dead cells in the centre, this becomes a corn. These become very hard and can develop in between your toes or on the balls of your feet.


The most sensible thing to do is to get rid of those tight ill fitting shoes for good. Once your feet slide into something that lets them breathe, the calluses will automatically go away over a period of time. Ok, so you have a shoe fetish and have at least 10 pairs that look really good but are horrible where comfort is concerned and still you cant let them go, try wearing these only occasionally and to places where you know you don’t have to stand for long. Make a promise to yourself, henceforth to only purchase the ones that are comfortable. Cutscenes

To get rid of calluses, you can also try soaking your feet in warm water and then scrubbing the affected area with a pumice stone; later use a good foot cream. Try doing this right before bedtime to get better results.

For corns, the easiest are corn remover adhesive bandages. They are easy to use and freely available. Try wearing open footwear which allows your feet to breathe freely. Corns are the next level of calluses, so to prevent corns, you need to prevent calluses.

If after trying these home remedies, the conditions seem to persist, make sure you visit a doctor.

Natural Remedies for Corns and Calluses

Natural Remedies for Corns and Calluses

Firstly, we need to understand what causes corns and calluses, as there might be things which we could be doing unknowingly that could probably make things wor





Natural Remedies for Corns and Calluses
Natural Remedies for Corns and Calluses

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