How To Improve Eyesight Naturally




Eyes though the most important sense organ in our body is most ignored many a times. It is only when there is an alarm ringing, that there is problem in vision we start taking care of our eyes. So why not make it routines to take care of our eyes everyday and stay away from vision or any other eye related problems. Here are a few natural remedies you can use to keep your eye-sight perfect and make your eyes healthy.

First thing first, you need to protect your eyes from ultra violet radiations which are emitted along with the sun rays. So always wear your shades whenever moving out. It is important for every age. Exposure to UV rays can cause, short sightedness. It also causes macular degeneration and cataract might also develop due to hardening of lenses in presence of UV rays. So whenever moving out always wear your sunglasses and wear a hat with a rim also. Try buying sunglasses which are 100 percent UV filters and have dark coloured lenses.


Exercising also prevents diseases like Glaucoma in eyes. Aerobic exercises decrease the pressure in the eyes and healthy body does not have risk of diabetes which is a major concern for causing vision impairment or might lead to blindness also. SO even walking or running or any cardio exercises will help in reducing risk related to your vision.

Healthy eating habits will also help in keeping vision impairments at bay. Try inducing green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Make it a routine to eat spinach in your salads or broccoli in your food will also do the same. Green leafy vegetables like Kale, spinach, broccoli, collard greens contain anti oxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which are very helpful in increasing your vision. These vegetables if eaten with Vitamin E and C or beta-carotene and zinc will also help in repairing the vision loss. Health Tips

While working on computer at stretch it might tire your eyes, try giving them rest in between by placing all your fingers on both the eyes and press them very lightly. Use anti-glare screen filters for computer screens to avoid strain.


Carrots are a rich source of beta carotene which helps in improving vision. Except for this other orange vegetables and fruits like pumpkin and butternut also have this carotenoid which protects you from night visions. People eating carrot lower the risk of suffering from glaucoma.

Omega-3fatty acids protect the outer film of our eyes. Keep our eyes moist and prevents cataract too. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fishes like tuna, salmon and halibut.

Anti-oxidants also help in reducing the risk of cataract and macular degeneration in eyes. Blue-berries, oranges and plums are rich in anti-oxidants. They should be induced in everyday diet to reduce the hardening of eye lenses.

Except for these healthy eating habits, regular visits to an ophthalmologist is also necessary to keep check on your vision problems. Regular eye test will help you in noticing any eye problem very quickly. If you already wear spectacles get them checked for power regularly. Smoking also affects your eyes so top smoking to keep your eyes bright and twinkling.

How To Improve Eyesight Naturally

How To Improve Eyesight Naturally

Eyes though the most important sense organ in our body is most ignored many a times. It is only when there is an alarm ringing, that there is problem in vision





How To Improve Eyesight Naturally
How To Improve Eyesight Naturally

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