Get Rid of Pimples




Pimple is a type of skin condition that is the result of obstructed or inflamed pores. Acne is the main case of pimples. Some of the main cause of pimples is genes, stress, improper diet (intake of fried foods, snacks, soft drinks), pores clogged by dirt and hormonal changes.Prevention of pimple growth:

As we all know that prevention is better than cure, using the measures that might stop the formation of pimples is much better than treating the already formed ones.

Intake of plenty of water for the detoxification of the body, washing the face thrice daily for unclogging the pores, avoiding junk food as well as chocolates and mangoes, wrapping an ice-cube in a muslin cloth and putting it on the pimples for about 3 minutes, splashing the face with lemon water once a day and then rinsing off the residue with regular water, avoiding the exposure of skin to harsh elements like strong winds, polluted atmosphere, etc., and also cleaning, toning and moisturizing the face with oil-free moisturizer twice daily can prevent the growth of pimples on the skin.


Treating the growth of pimples: Aparatos de masajes

Cold water: Cold water is useful for the eruption of the pimples and to control the build up of oil in the skin. Washing the face often with cold water helps to reduce the chances of blocked pores as it prevents the accumulation of dead cells and sebum.

Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is effective in reducing the pimples on the skin as its usage helps to keep the skin oil free. One has to soak the cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and dab it on the pimples. This effectively reduces the accumulation of oil.

Oatmeal and yoghurt: Mix yoghurt and oatmeal and apply this mixture on the skin. Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes and then gently rub it off the face. Then the mixture has to be washed in cold water. The antibacterial properties of yoghurt are useful in killing the germs while the oatmeal removes the excess oil from the skin. This is an effective skin care remedy for treating pimples.

Lemon juice, antibacterial soap, aloe gel, etc are also useful for treating the growth of pimples.

Get Rid of Pimples

Get Rid of Pimples

Pimple is a type of skin condition that is the result of obstructed or inflamed pores. Acne is the main case of pimples. Some of the main cause of pimples is g





Get Rid of Pimples
Get Rid of Pimples

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