Chapped Lips Cure




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Loss of moisture in lips skin causes chapped lips. It may happen due to exposure to sun, cold dry winds. Chapped lips are often very dry, red and of course painful. They may sometimes cause bleeding.

There are various home remedies which are proven to be very useful for dry lips such as:


1) Use of lip balm over the lips as it helps in moisturizing your lips.

2) By consuming vitamin B enriched foods.

3) Dehydration can cause dryness on lips therefore one must hydrate his body with the plenty of water.

4) Vaseline also cures the dryness on the lips therefore it is one of the most effective home remedy for dry lips.

5) Another useful home remedy can be done by rubbing fine slices of cucumber over the lips.

6) Applying neem leaves over the lips.

7) Put some honey on your lips and let it dry for 10min.

Blog reasons and cure for dry chapped lips 1 One must rule out allergy to lipstick dyes.

9) You can also apply milk cream before going to bed for few days.

10) Also use of desi ghee on lips reduces dryness on lips.

All these remedies must be taken into account in order to get rid away from this cause.

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    Chapped Lips Cure

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