Relief For Periodontitis




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Any infection in the bones, ligaments, tissues and areas that surround the teeth is known as Periodontitis. The foods that we eat and the bacteria in our body form plaque on our teeth and this leads to diseases. When this plaque hardens it forms tartar and the bone structure around the teeth get affected by this. In the first stages it leads to swollen gums and bleeding from the gums; if not attended to it can lead to loss of the tooth.


Poor dental hygiene, a poor diet, lack of nutrients, smoking and inadequate sleep are some of the main causes of the dental mishap. Other factors that contribute to this condition include hormonal changes; especially during puberty, medication like anti depressants and contraceptives can also have their fair share of effects on your teeth.

How to get relief from dental issues

The herb belladonna helps to alleviate toothache, though you must use it sparingly as it has several negative effects and can even lead to death. Do not use it without a medical prescription. Merc sol is another herb that helps to prevent swollen gums and takes care of any signs of bleeding gums.

Brushing your teeth twice a day and rinsing your mouth with mouth wash is one of the best preventive measures one could stumble upon. The toothpaste and wash that you use must have agents that fight tartar and plaque in order for you to maintain your dental hygiene. As opposed to a manual brush an electric toothbrush seems to be more effective. It is able to reach the corners of your mouth where your brush is normally not able to reach. If you use a manual brush, then you must replace it every 3 months.

Your diet will also help you to have healthy teeth. Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with essential nutrients and minerals that are vital for your teeth. You must also include milk and dairy in your diet to get the required amount of calcium naturally.

If you quit smoking you will be doing your entire body a big favor. Not only does smoke affect your mouth and leads to ulcers and weakens the teeth; it has long lasting effects on your body as well. Smoke also leads to formation of tartar hence quitting will work in your advantage.

You must also reduce the amount of refined sugar that you consume.

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