How To Treat Acne




The occurrence of acne is mostly associated with teenagers but it may even affect adults. Acne is basically caused when the pores of the skin get clogged because of the excess production of the oil or sebum, by the skin with the increased hormonal changes that take place with the onset of adolescence.

Of all the types of acne, cystic acne is considered to be the most severe kind. When the oil glands that have burst, gets blocked and causes inflammation to the skin along with formation of pus in the nearby tissues, a cyst is formed.

This cystic acne could also lead to permanent scars on the skin. Usually, acnes are caused by the P.acne bacteria which infects deep within the skin and hence may even take longer time to heal.


Today, there are a lot of treatments available for cystic acne. Many topical treatments like face wash; creams, lotions etc may be applied. Mostly they would consist of ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, which helps in drying the skin thereby decreasing the production of the oil.

It also helps in reducing the inflammation and depleting the dead skin cells. Products with salicylic acid are much better than benzoyl peroxide for those who have a sensitive skin. Tramites en Ecuador

There are a couple of other treatments, which have to be prescribed by your dermatologist. He/she may provide you certain oral antibiotics – which work the same way as the topical treatments, he/she may also inject some chemicals into these acnes, which may result in the melting of the acne in a few days and reducing the infection.

Your dermatologist, in rare cases, may also provide you with isotretinoin, an oral drug. It may have a couple of side effects. It can cause damage to the fetus of a pregnant woman, if taken around that period.

Hence, it is very important that a woman taking this treatment should not be pregnant and should not even plan for one for at least some months after the treatment. Also it is not advised to individuals suffering from depression as it can further aggravate it.

Laser therapies too can help in treating cystic acne. Home remedies like honey, eggs, baking soda can also help. Above all, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise can be more beneficial.

How To Treat Acne

How To Treat Acne

The occurrence of acne is mostly associated with teenagers but it may even affect adults. Acne is basically caused when the pores of the skin get clogged becau





How To Treat Acne
How To Treat Acne

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