Facial Exercises To Reduce Sagging Of Face & Neck




There is no denying the fact that a handsome or a beautiful face draws attention. So, given a chance we would all love to preserve our youthful looks for a long time.

However, after a certain point, mother nature plays spoilsport and our face is the first to let us know about it. One look at those telltale signs and our confidence goes for a toss.

Drooping eyelids, sagging jaw line, double chin are all indications that age is fast catching up with you
. So, you panic and try to find out ways to somehow disguise the slackness that has become a prominent feature of your face now.

But I would say relax, because this is a common phenomenon; even celebrities are not spared. You must understand, just like the body your face too is made up of muscles.


You exercise regularly to tone up the muscles of your body so that you look fit and attractive. But have you ever thought the same rationale is applicable for your face too?

If you think logically you will realize that facial fitness is equally important as body fitness. Those of you, who have missed out, don’t worry because it’s never too late to start facial exercises. They are not only simple but also guarantee long-lasting results.

Strengthen Your Neck

This exercise effectively tones your neck muscles and in the process strengthens the jaw line and chin too. In a sitting or standing position lean your head backward which should make you look at the ceiling.

Then stick your tongue out and try to touch your chin with the tip of your tongue. Remain in this position for at least 3 to 5 seconds and then pull your tongue in and bring your head back to the original position. Do at least five repetitions of this exercise. Gradually you will feel your muscles growing stronger.

Enhance Your Jaw Line

With age your jaw line almost disappears as the muscles underneath it slackens. This exercise works as a tightening agent that brings about firmness in the muscles below the jaw line.

In sitting or standing position turn your head to the right while keeping the chin perpendicular to the floor. You will experience a slight pull in the opposite side of the face and jaw. Till the count of 5 remain in this position. Anime en Español

Repeat the same when you turn your head to the left. Performing this exercise on a regular basis will lift your facial features considerably, thus enhancing your looks.

Tone The Cheeks, Jaw Line And Neck

Popularly called “kiss the ceiling” this great facial exercise tones your cheeks, jaw line and neck. Stand or sit straight and slowly tilt your head back so much so that you are looking up at the ceiling.

Bring your lips together and it should look as if you’re about to kiss the ceiling. Extend that kiss out as far as you can until you feel the stretch in your lower jaw and neck. Remain in this position for 5 seconds and repeat this exercise at least 5 to 10 times in a day.

Lift Your Chin

You can do this exercise while still lying on your bed in the morning. Lie on your back and allow your head to droop over one side of the bed. Very slowly lift your head and try to touch your chest with the help of your chin.

Remain in that position for 10 seconds and then relax by bringing your head back to the original position. Doing this exercise at least 5 times everyday will firm and tone your chin and soon enough you’ll be able to bid adieu to that annoying double chin.

No More Sagging Jowls

When you look at yourself in the mirror you wish you could do something to drive away those nasty sagging jowls. So here is a simple remedy. Sit or stand in an upright position and tilt your head backwards until you start looking at the ceiling.

Keeping your lips closed loosely, start the chewing motion. Repeat this process at least 20 times in a day. These exercises are sure shot ways to give you a young and vibrant look and of course send your confidence soaring. So go ahead try them, you stand to lose nothing because there are no side effects to these exercises

Facial Exercises To Reduce Sagging Of Face & Neck

Facial Exercises To Reduce Sagging Of Face & Neck

There is no denying the fact that a handsome or a beautiful face draws attention. So, given a chance we would all love to preserve our youthful looks for a lon






Facial Exercises To Reduce Sagging Of Face & Neck
Facial Exercises To Reduce Sagging Of Face & Neck

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