Foods To Avoid On A Pancreatitis Diet




Pancreatitis condition is most commonly seen in people with alcohol abuse or gallstones.

Two types of pancreatitis are: Acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis, in general is not a serious condition and its symptoms usually subside after few days. But if acute pancreatitis is not taken care of and treated it can lead to a serious condition called chronic pancreatitis. In some people, chronic pancreatitis occurs all of a sudden and on its own.

Special dietary changes are necessitated to prevent further inflammation of the pancreas and to promote quick healing. Some foods need to be avoided altogether to encourage fast healing and recovery. Given below are some foods to avoid on a pancreatitis diet.


In normal condition, the pancreatic enzymes get activated; reach the small intestine and breaks down protein, fat and carbohydrates. But in case of pancreatitis, enzymes do not perform their normal function and hence it becomes very difficult for the pancreas to break down these nutrients.

Acute pancreatitis can be resolved significantly by avoiding foods and drinks like alcohol, fatty foods, caffeine, etc. One of the most important foods/drinks to be avoided while following a pancreatitis diet is alcohol. It is the most common culprit behind pancreatitis condition. Estados para Whatsapp

Binge drinking and chronic alcoholism should be absolutely avoided. Smoking as well as use of tobacco should be given up completely on a pancreatitis diet. Caffeine and other gas-producing food items should be avoided as they stimulate your pancreas and aggravate your condition.

Fatty foods are another important food item to be avoided on a pancreatitis diet. Pancreatitis symptoms can be aggravated by consumption of foods high in fat. Foods high in saturated fat like dairy products, sausage, butter, bacon, lard and fatty cuts of meat should be stopped eating.

Foods high in hydrogenated fats or trans fatty acids such as baked food items, fried foods, margarine, potato chips, cookies, donuts, and crackers should also be eliminated from a pancreatitis diet.

Refined foods should also be avoided while on a pancreatitis diet. These foods include white breads, pastas, pastries, tortillas, and sugar. Your immune system is suppressed by sugar consumption, which hampers the healing process.

You must avoid foods like ketchup and marinara sauce as they too contain sugar. Red meat and processed foods, especially those containing hydrogenated oils should also be avoided by pancreatitis patients.

Foods To Avoid On A Pancreatitis Diet

Foods To Avoid On A Pancreatitis Diet

Two types of pancreatitis are: Acute pancreatitis and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis, in general is not a serious condition and its symptoms usually





Foods To Avoid On A Pancreatitis Diet
Foods To Avoid On A Pancreatitis Diet

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