How To Do Laughter Yoga




The popularity of laughter yoga is rapidly rising. Earlier, people used to think that they need a reason or should feel good about something to laugh. However, this perception has changed and now people can start laughing from nothing as they consider this as a type of exercise. Before getting into how to do laughter yoga, let’s find out what it is.

What is laughter yoga

Laughing has immense benefits on health in terms of psychological and physiological aspects. Dr. Madan Kataria opened the first laughter club in India in the year 1995. The Doctor has performed severe research work before establishing the first laughter club in Mumbai, India.

These sessions were conducted in a public club and initially received a lot of flak for being a bizarre concept. However, people gradually understood the benefits of laughter yoga and today more than six thousand groups are operating this form of yoga to help millions of people allover the world.


How To Do Laughter Yoga

You will not find any forced humor to induce laughter in these laughter yoga classes. Rather, such centers perform different types of yoga exercises such as funny gestures, yoga techniques, stimulated laughter, systematic guffawing and giggling, etc.

These classes teach that you do not need a reason to laugh. Even being happy is not essential to laugh. Such stimulated or fake laughter has equal psychological advantages like spontaneous laughter, says several scientists and doctors.

These laughter yoga sessions include deep breathing with long inhalation and exhalation. It also includes stretching exercises and work out programs for neck and shoulder. These classes teach how body can be integrated with soul and mind with the help of laughter.

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Things Needed To Perform Laughing Yoga

Laughter yoga is suitable for everyone, irrespective of ages. You can choose the venue and it can be indoor or outdoor both. Some laughter clubs choose public parks or beaches as the location, while some centers perform these sessions in the hospitals, classrooms and conference rooms. Unlike the other forms of exercises, you are not required to wear any particular attire or use any prop or equipment.

Anyone Can Join These Laughter Yoga Classes


The sessions of laughing yoga can be performed by people of any fitness level. In fact, people belonging to any age group can take part in these laughing yoga sessions no matter he or she is fit, unfit, stiff, flexible, old or young.

Classic Forms Of Laughter Yoga

People use several techniques to perform laughter yoga. One such variety is Greeting Laughter where you have to greet people like you always do, but don’t speak any word and start laughing instead of that.

One of the classic varieties of laughing yoga is Hearty Laughter where you have to look up spreading your arms and laugh out loud, as if it is coming straight out of heart. Gradient Laughter is a technique that starts with a fake smile.

Now, slowly the smile should transform into giggle and then with loud laugh. Here, the technique is to increase the volume and tempo of laughter gradually. All these laughter yoga techniques have good health benefits.

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How To Do Laughter Yoga

How To Do Laughter Yoga

The popularity of laughter yoga is rapidly rising. Earlier, people used to think that they need a reason or should feel good about something to laugh. However,





How To Do Laughter Yoga
How To Do Laughter Yoga

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