How To Lose Weight After A C-Section




Women are always on the lookout for exercise routines, which will help them to lose their pregnancy weight in a quick manner. One can follow many specially designed exercise routines in order to achieve this goal.

However, those women who had undergone a C-section will find it a bit more difficult to lose weight than their counterparts who had a normal vaginal delivery. This can be attributed to the prolonged period of post postpartum rest and the health risks that accompany the surgery.

The abdominal incision which is made during the C-section will take around 2 months to heal completely, and during this period one is not allowed to involve in heavy exercises, as it can hinder with the proper healing of the incision.


But even then, there are many methods which makes it possible for a woman who had undergone a C-section to lose weight in an effective manner. These methods which include mild exercises and dietary changes, will ensure that you lose weight in a healthy manner.

Read on to get a better idea about the methods which will enable you to lose weight after a C-section.

Exercise Regularly

Women who have undergone a C-section can involve in exercises, after 8 weeks of the surgery. But even then, you should start off with mild exercises and should refrain from over exerting yourself.

You can begin your exercise routine by walking for 30 minutes a day and can then increase the duration of your walking period on a gradual basis. Later on, you can move forward with other cardio routines, which involve jogging and cycling.

You can further improvise on your exercise regime and can start performing core workouts in order to strengthen your abdominal region. Performing abdominal crunches with an exercise ball will help you with this purpose.

Practicing postnatal yoga will also help in improving your physical and emotional health. Do see to that you start your exercise regime only after getting a complete go-ahead signal from your doctor. Recetas para Cookeo

Eat Wisely

Controlling calorie intake after pregnancy is very much essential in order to bring about weight loss.It is indeed essential for a breastfeeding mother to eat properly, in order to promote a healthy lactation. But that doesn’t mean that one should gorge on fats and calorie filled food items.You should chalk out a healthy diet plan and eat in a smart manner.

Do boost up your metabolism by having several well-balanced and nutritious meals a day. You should have a daily dose of protein rich foods like chicken, fish and lean steak.

Also, include plenty of vegetables like spinach,carrots and asparagus, and fruits like grapes and watermelon in your diet. Having foods like brown rice, whole wheat bread, low fat cheese and yogurt will also help you breast feed in a healthy manner, without piling up body weight.

Also, do drink plenty of water as it will keep you hydrated and will help in flushing out the unwanted body toxins, thus helping with weight loss.

Breastfeed Your Baby

Even if your doctor asks you to stay dormant for more than 8 weeks after the C-section, you needn’t worry as you can avoid unnecessary weight gain during this period, by following a healthy diet and by involving in breastfeeding.

It is seen that majority of the fat accumulated during pregnancy period, goes into the production of breast milk, after delivery. Breastfeeding your baby will help you to lose about 800 to 1000 calories a day; thereby helping you shed your pregnancy weight.

Following the above said methods will definitely help you to lose weight effectively after a C-section. However, you should not expect lose weight immediately in 1 or 2 weeks, but should follow your weight loss regime in a religious manner to attain satisfactory results.

How To Lose Weight After A C-Section

How To Lose Weight After A C-Section

Women are always on the lookout for exercise routines, which will help them to lose their pregnancy weight in a quick manner. One can follow many specially des





How To Lose Weight After A C-Section
How To Lose Weight After A C-Section

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