Top Foods to Eat During Pregnancy




Pregnancy is a very vital period in a woman’s life. It is a phase of mixed feelings and emotions like happiness and anxiety. A woman needs extra calories during pregnancy, which comes from the food that she eats.

So it is very essential for the woman to eat the right food and take care of herself, as this has direct impact on her fetus.

A balanced diet consists of protein, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, minerals and water. Protein rich foods are essential for daily energy production and are available in lean meat, fish, poultry, egg whites, beans and peanut butter. Foods like milk, cottage cheese and other milk products are rich in calcium, and are required for building of the bones and teeth, and also for muscle contraction. They are therefore, not only important but also inevitable.


Bananas and apples are a great source of calcium too. Foods like fish, egg, meat, spinach, breads and cereals provide iron which is essential to produce red blood cells and prevent anemia. Carrots contain vitamin A that is good for healthy eyesight.

It is important to take plenty of fluids during pregnancy. These could include low fat dairy products, fresh fruit juices and vegetable soups. Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges and pineapples are rich in vitamin C and are imperative for a healthy body. Vegetables like spinach, lettuce and other green vegetables and yellow vegetables contain Vitamin A, and help in blood and protein production. Código P0300: Solución y Causas | Actualizado 2023

Dry fruits like almonds, cashews and walnuts provide energy to the body. Figs too are a great source of energy. Sesame seeds again, are a vital food during pregnancy. Fat and cholesterol are essential for absorbing the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) for a stretchable skin. A minimum of two tablespoons fat is required daily by an expectant mother.

The pregnant lady should refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol, and never take drugs as it could gravely harm the fetus.  The lady should keep herself free from stress. She should approach her doctor even for any minor ailment or discomfort, and never go in for self medication as it could prove dangerous.

Thus, the pregnant woman must eat the right foods as her fetus will get nourishment only from the food that she eats.

Top Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

Top Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very vital period in a woman’s life. It is a phase of mixed feelings and emotions like happiness and anxiety. A woman needs extra calories dur





Top Foods to Eat During Pregnancy
Top Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

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