How to Deal with Allergies




Any abnormal or exaggerated reaction to a substance which is harmless can be termed as allergy. You can be allergic to anything like pollens, dust mites, any foods, insect bites, any environmental airborne particles, medicines, plants etc.

Our body has the potential to defend itself through experience. Allergic reactions happen when our body (by mistake) learns to recognize allergens as harmful.

Some allergies can be mild and not very harmful such as a running nose, sneezing etc. But there can be severe allergies like difficulty in breathing or an asthma attack.

Allergies can develop at any age. Your chances of developing allergies are dependent on your parent’s allergy history. Some common forms of allergies are: Allergic rhinitis, asthma, allergic eyes, allergic eczema, hives, allergic shock etc.


Causes of allergy can be divided in to two groups: Host and environmental factors. Host factors include race, gender, and heredity. There has been a great improvement in recent times in medical practices to treat allergies. But the best way to avoid allergies is to stay away from the substances which you are allergic to. Recetas para Cookeo

This is called avoidance. You can also visit a doctor who specializes in allergy treatments (allergist). He will perform blood and skin tests on you and may treat you with some medications and allergy shots.

It is very important to remember that only air borne allergies can be treated with medications or shots. If you are allergic to some food item, you must stay away from it completely.

Some other ways to avoid air borne allergies are:

  • If you have pets, keep them away from your bedroom.
  • Avoid carpets and rugs in your room.
  • Try to keep your house, office area neat and clean.
  • If you are allergic to pollens, stay away from gardens during peak season and do not mow lawns.
  • Learn to deal with your allergies once you come to know the cause of it. If you have food allergy, read the labels carefully before buying any food item. If you are taking any medications, make sure that your doctor knows about your allergies. If you are severely allergic to anything, try to wear an emergency card which explains your condition and one emergency telephone number.

    How to Deal with Allergies

    How to Deal with Allergies

    Any abnormal or exaggerated reaction to a substance which is harmless can be termed as allergy. You can be allergic to anything like pollens, dust mites, any f





    How to Deal with Allergies
    How to Deal with Allergies

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