How to take care of oral health and improve sleep quality in 7 steps





A healthy mouth and good rest are directly linked to a healthy body. Dr. Khaled Kasem, head of Impress orthodontics, proposes 7 tips to have good oral health and improve sleep quality

Having good oral health can condition sleep quality. A priori, it may seem that one thing has not much to do with the other, but when researching it is found that they have a direct relationship.

Having good oral health is basic to maintain good body health in general. In the same way, this directly influences the time of rest and having a restorative dream, basic and indispensable need to be healthy. In this sense, having bad resting habits or not taking enough care of the mouth's health can become a fish that bites the tail, and drifting into infections or disorders that seriously affect day by day.


The next 19th and 20th of March is celebrated World Dream Day and World Bucodental Health Dayrespectively. That's why Impresscompany that has democratized the invisible orthodontics, along with its Chief Orthodox Dr. Khaled Kasempropose 7 essential keys to know how to maintain good oral health and improve sleep quality:

1. brush your teeth 3 times a day: It may seem logical, but it is fundamental. Washing your teeth 3 times a day for 2 minutes is the basis for getting a healthy mouth. Ideally, it is to brush your teeth after each meal, in the morning, after eating and after dinner, at most before an hour. In this regard, 69% of the Impress community affirms to brush them properly, and the remaining 31% that does not do so is aware that it should do so*. Before sleeping, it is advisable to make a deep cleaning, as during the night the mouth is more likely to suffer the attacks of bacteria. To avoid it, the best allies will be: 2 minutes of brushing, flossing and mouthwashing. And you can't forget your tongue! Cepillaring helps prevent many bacteria from accumulating on taste buds and from where they end up placing on the surface of the teeth.

2. Change brush periodically: Dr. Khaled Kasem asserts that the toothbrush would have to change maximum every 3 months, although most Impress users (52%) change this frequency, 48% claim it will take longer to change it*.

Studies have shown that after 3 months of regular use, a brush is less effective to remove the tooth plate and gums for having the filaments in poor condition, compared to a new brush. To promote responsible consumption and contribute to the preservation of the environment, it is recommended to use a recyclable wooden toothbrush. Nicotine Pouch Guide - Everything About Nicotine Pouches

3. Watch out for bad habits: Maintaining bad habits such as smoking or drinking coffee in excess can be very harmful for both oral health and good rest. It is important to note that both are one of the first causes of teeth stains and can cause gum disease. In addition, they have a direct influence on sleep, since smoking or taking caffeine before bed favors insomnia.

4. Out of stress:stress, sleep and mouth health are issues that go very hand in hand. This can cause teeth wear due to bruxism, a disorder in which teeth are tightened or gnawed while sleeping. In addition, people who suffer from it are more likely to suffer from other sleep disorders, such as snoring or sleep apnea. In addition, chronic pains, bad breath due to the accumulation of stomach acids, can also lead to diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis. Meditating before sleeping will help focus on breathing and relax muscles, jaw and rest better during the night.

5. Take care of the food: It is well known that there are foods that can be harmful to the teeth, but most do not know that many of them can become the best ally to have enviable dental health. Foods such as fruits, vegetables or dairy have many beneficial properties for teeth that help strengthen and protect them and can even help prevent certain oral diseases.

In addition, what you eat can also help favor sleep and sleep better. It is recommended to include foods rich in melatonin at dinner, such as almonds, nuts or bananas, hot drinks such as teas or milk or blue fish, with high content of omega fatty acids and vitamin D.

6. Line your teeth: having properly aligned teeth is not only a question of aesthetics, but also has great health benefits. One of the highlights is that it helps to improve occlusion, that is, by correcting the position of dental parts, greater stability is obtained when it comes to biting. In addition, it will prevent unwanted contacts between dental parts that can be caused by toothpicking, triggering wear or fractures. Having the teeth properly aligned also facilitates digestion, as the food is shred better, avoids overloads in the jaw muscles, helps in breathing, improves speech and helps prevent caries and periodontitis.

7. Remember visits to the dentist: visiting the dentist on a regular basis is very important to prevent oral diseases. Accurate at least once a year, as the vast majority of the Impress community claims, will protect dental parts and ensure good oral health.

*Data extracted from the Impress survey through their social networks to their community.

Source Comunicae

How to take care of oral health and improve sleep quality in 7 steps

How to take care of oral health and improve sleep quality in 7 steps

A healthy mouth and good rest are directly linked to a healthy body. Dr. Khaled Kasem, head of Impress orthodontics, proposes 7 tips to have good oral health a





How to take care of oral health and improve sleep quality in 7 steps
How to take care of oral health and improve sleep quality in 7 steps

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